Benny, 26 June 1966

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26 June
We partied the whole night, again! We need to learn to behave more adult. I need to be a good father for Heléne and Peter, and show them the right way.
But anyway, we were invited by Björn and the other guys. We had a really great time. And I learned a very important thing. I think that Björn and I are made for each other. Haha! Seriously, we sat there in a corner takling about everything. Music, life, family, politics. He's very easy to talk and be with. I hope that I've got a friend that I can rely on for the rest of my life. I usually don't feel that way about people. But Björn is something special. We're so alike each other at the same time we're totally different. That's a good thing I think.

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