Frida, 5 May 1959

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5 May, 1959
Today I got a dairy from grandmother, so I'm going to start writing. She's so sweet
to me!
I maybe should introduce myself. My name is Anni-Frid Lyngstad and is 13 years old. But I become 14 in November! Such is important information! Haha!
I love to sing, more than anything. And last year I became a singer in a danceband! I think that's so amazing! I will never stop singing, and one day I'll become a famous star. Like Elvis Presley. God, I love him so much!
Anyway, I live in Torshälla with my grandmother Arntine. It's just us. The only things I know about my family are that I had a dad from Germany named Alfred. But he was in the army, and were onboard on a boat which sank when he traveled back to Germany. I never met him, he had to leave me and my mother Synni in Norway as soon as I was born. During that horrible war children who had German parents weren't accepted, so my mother and grandmother desided that we would move to Sweden. But not mother. She had to stay in Norway and work. She just wanted the best for me. But I never met her again after that. She died, and no one knows why.
I don't remember her too well. But I've seen some photos of her, and she was so beautiful. Hope I will look like she did one day... I've seen photos of father too, and he was also beautiful. Actually it's very weird that I look like a bag of potatoes when my parents were so beautiful...
Enough about my life. Okay, it's a dairy so it's meant to be. But I mean my past life! Haha!
Today I was at the library and borrowed some books. Ten to be exact... God, I'm such a nerd. That's probably why no one wants to be with me. I usually feel alone. And that's a horrible feeling I think. But, there's nothing I can do. People have clearly showed me that I am not enough for them. Sigh... But I have my best friend Inger of course. I didn't count her in because she's not just my friend. She's a part of me, and have always been here for me. Through good and bad. But I don't have any other friends really.
I know that it's good to be one of a kind, but when you're so originell that it's hard to find friends, it has gone too far. I'm proud over myself, and grandmother is too. But soon I maybe don't have the strenght to keep being who I am because of it. I'm afraid of that. Because people who can't show who they really are, are wimps. And I don't wanna be a wimp!
Oh, I'm so tired... Have rehearsed with the band for two hours today! Bye!

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