Frida, 24 January 1963

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24 January, 1963
This pregnancy is about to kill me! The baby will be here soon, I can clearly feel it. And the doctor have said that it will be this month. I'm actually a bit afraid. I mean, it already hurts so bad that I am ill. But, lovely Ragnar and lovely Inger are here for me. Both are really supporting, compared to others... Some people can't stand that I am just 17 and pregnant. Grandmother wasn't very happy when I told her, but she understood and believe in me so much and thinks that I can do it. But Ragnar's parents are not supporting at all! They seem to hate me. I wonder why, because it was Ragnar who made me pregnant! I can clearly tell you that! Haha!
But the worst thing are the looks I get. Actually, women are from the beggining build to give birth around the age of 17. So suck it incomprehending people!
Today it was a very great day. Inger came over for a while. That was nice, because Ragnar worked all day and I didn't want to be alone. I'm so glad to have Inger. We can talk about everything on Earth.
After some coffee we went in to the city for a while and looked for some baby stuff. She is very helpful.
We talked about the baby's name. Ragnar and I haven't even talked about that yet! I think we should do that! Haha... Inger said that she like the name Hans. And yes, that's a pretty good name I think. I will talk to Ragnar first of course. Good night!

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