It's a Trap!

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After the competition period, finally came the strenuous and most dreaded exam period. This was a very tense but also exciting time. Because after the exam period, you were judged and evaluated, but the students were also given suggestions for improvement for the next year, which they could then implement in the next school year. The first exam for Level Two students took place in the wilderness. The task is to capture students from level one and bring them back to the institute. However, caution is advised as Level Three students are also located there and may cause some problems during the exam.

Charlotte wandered lonely through the wilderness for a few hours with no sign of any other students. Neither from level one nor from her section and neither from the third level could find her. After an eternity, her strength finally gave out and she decided to rest at the impressive rock formation. But as soon as she leaned against a rock, something pulled her into a cave: "What the..." Korinas covered her mouth: "Psst...We have to be quiet. Otherwise the others will hear something." Charlotte was now completely confused: "What are you talking about?" Her gaze wandered behind Korinas, where another student was standing. She seemed significantly younger. Probably level one: "And who is that anyway?" "May I introduce you" announced her friend. "Nash, from Level One. Nash...Charlotte, from Level Two" "What is she doing here?" the blonde haired asked her again. "She helps us to get the best grade," Korinas replied. "And in return, Korinas will help me pass my Computer Systems exam," Nash finished.

But suddenly the exuberant mood changed. For the group heard footsteps in the distance and voices coming nearer. The three immediately hid. After several minutes, people positioned themselves in the cave and the order was given to search the cave system for other students and not to let anyone escape. "Now we have a little problem," whispered Korinas.

The Level Three students began to split up and search the entire system for younger students. Apparently Korinas wasn't the only one hiding in the caves. Once the coast was clear, the three decided to find another hiding place to escape Level Three. A new plan had to be made immediately and on the spot. "I left my gun at the institute. Do you have one?" Charlotte asked her friend. "No, I left mine too" "We don't need a gun," Nash said, smiling. "I have a lighter with me. Let's grill the imbeciles" "No one gets grilled here," Charlotte interjected. She looked back at Korinas. "Korinas, do you know your way around the cave system here?" "Yes, but it looks like we're trapped" "Why are all the students hiding here in the caves? The wilderness is big enough." Charlotte was annoyed. "I'll try to reach Beren via comm."

Meanwhile, Beren was sitting at the dining table with some good friends eating their food. After her meal she planned to study something for the exams. But suddenly it made a clicking noise. The student whirled around and her eyes locked on the communicator. Beren hesitated briefly before answering. But then she decided not to do it. When the device was already making noises several times, a section comrade finally spoke up: "Get on with it." Beren tapped the communicator: "I hope it matters"

"Korinas, I and a student from Level One are trapped right now. We urgently need your help!" came Charlotte's voice from the device. That sounds really important!

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