It's been a long time...

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I upload an update after 2 months....
According to my old episodes i wasn't fine at all....but now I'm ok... ofcourse sometimes my heartbeats goes high....but I'm recovering!

So.... from where should I start...
Ok I'll straight start from November.
I really enjoyed November though. It was fun for real. We had sport days and when we come to think of sports day.... it's not boring at all. Guess what.... whole school had to perform some drills (different types of dance) and I know I'm giving to much personal info but....hear me out we as senior class had to perform legim (a type of Maharashtrian dance, if u don't know you can search for it). And to be honest at first everyone had body everyone was struggling....some with their back...some with legs and some with arms....that dance was literally energetic. We spent 3/4 of month in practicing. It for it was fun!!!

Let's get on with December.
It was annual day in December and it was fun...not really fun. Someone spoiled our performance. Ahh we literally choreographed our own dance and the one who cannot dance also tried their best. And on the day of performance someone cut out song! And we were like tf if going on, right there on the stage.

I swear this day was one of the day when I cursed the most.
Not only me everyone was cursing so bad.
And other section were....they must happy. They were like ahh your performance messed up....idk if it's true but I heard it from someone

Next event in December was annual day of our coaching. Yeah, coaching also had annual day. Though it was more fun than of school......cause my performance didn't mess up. Guess I sang a marathi (my mother tounge) song. I'm so proud of myself cause everyone liked it! Ok I'll come down on ground.

Finally January. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! WOHH!!
Ntg much I had my Periodic Test of schools.....was busy in that!
And guess! On republic day...we performed the same performance that we did on our sports event. Guess where we performed was on the city's biggest stadium!!
And it was best day! With all my classmates! We all went in same bus and from bridge we shouted from it and sang song made fun of eachother....
Just cannot describe in words!!!!!

Y'all don't you feel....I'm writing here as it is my diary....
More like a public diary! LOL!

Ok see ya!! Byei!!

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