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It's me. called author of this story.
My life has been soooo... different.
My fate didn't like me staying at one school. You heard right, I changed my schools alot of times, still it didn't bothered me too much.

June, 2010

                  Summer was about to end. Rains was about to start. Me, a 2 and 1/2 year old girl, was gonna start her life, by attending kindergarten, that's what called as 1st stair of beginning of life.

                  I don't remember anything clearly about my kindergarten days, but some memories are left.

                   I was admitted in a normal kindergarten. I used to live a same town, everything was good there. My dad is goverment servent. He earn good money, so we can live happily.
Normally in india, kids were supposed to attend kindergarten at the age of 3 at that time, but I attended at the age when I was 2 and 1/2. So I was younger as compared to my classmates.

First day of my kindergarten was little akward, to me ofcourse. Everyone was crying so badly, so seeing them I also began to cry. I was also one of them. After some days kids didn't cry, as they tooked kindergarten as the part of there life.

My mom, she really expect so much from me. So she was really concerned about my studies alot.

"Hey if you complete this alphabet reading and writing twice then I'll give you candy."
That's what she did to me.
How stupid I was, I did agreed that for a candy.

But cause of this, I got prepared for my primary school so nicely. Kindergarten is of 3 years.
First year of kindergarten, it's all fun in that year playing games, doing different activities.
Second year of kindergarten, so my education is started. You are supposed to learn alphabets, number and your own mother tongue.
Third year of kindergarten, it's all same as second year.

But in my last year of kindergarten, I already knew alphabets but also how to spell it. In maths I knew addition, subtraction little bit.

Also my mom, made me learn tables so I would be good at multiplication, and I did so.

April, 2015

My kindergarten was done.
I was about to enter my second stage.
My primary school.
My parents tooked advice from so many for my school.
There was a teacher living in my neighbour, she said alot about her school.
And I got admitted there.
And yeah it was a government school and was semi english.
So, I'm done now.

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