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Chapter 141: Bonus Chapter - Tangtang and Dahai (4)

The wedding anniversary of He Songbai and Zhao Lanxiang is in midwinter.

At that time, He Songbai's "Xiangbai" was still rooted in the north, and he had not had time to move it to the south. When Tang Tang and Dahai were still in their swaddling clothes, He Songbai began his days of running around. Zhao Lanxiang often felt that he was working too hard all his life. No matter how poor he used to be, their situation was getting better today.

She was very distressed and asked Li Zhong in B City to take care of him.

When the husband and wife just returned to G City, it happened that Gu Shuoming's transfer order also came. He was transferred to the B Military Region of the capital. Before Gu Shuoming left, he deliberately brought his wife and children to the He family as a guest.

His wife is a bright northern girl called Mingxue. Her skin is fair and clean, and she is very tall. Her personality is enthusiastic and generous. She is a military doctor in the military department. In 1979, Gu Shuoming listened to Zhao Lanxiang's opinion and went to the Sino-Vietnamese war. He made solid achievements on the battlefield. Although he encountered many twists and turns on the way, the troops returned with honor.

In addition to his glorious return of that year, he also brought home a pure northern girl. Madam Gu was always disgusted that her son was not good enough in romance, and she thought he would be a bachelor for life. As a result, he went out, not only solving the major events of his life, they even made a baby.

Since then, Madam Gu no longer has to whisper in dissatisfaction.

Zhao Lanxiang asked about how they met, and Mingxue said with a smile, "I am his entourage doctor. He usually looks very stable, but he was almost dead on the battlefield. The bandages I brought were not enough. After we finished all the food, Shuo Ming and I thought that we might not live long enough to see tomorrow. So on the night before the last battle, we got married under the witness of several chiefs."

Madam Gu got a daughter-in-law out of thin air, and she was shocked but happy. A few months later, her grandson, Tiedan, fell to the ground, and Madam Gu wept with joy.

Tiedan was conceived on the battlefield. The flames of war did not defeat him. Severe food shortages and supply shortages did not knock him down. Mingxue once had signs of miscarriage, but he survived well. When he was born, he weighed less than five pounds, and his breath was so weak that people thought that he would leave at any time.

But Tiedan still survived tenaciously. In order to keep him healthy and commemorate his comrades-in-arms, Gu Shuoming gave him the nickname meaning "Iron Egg." Mingxue and Madam Gu held Tiedan all day and did not let him go.

Gu Shuoming was afraid that the northern weather in B City was too cold, and he did not even dare to take his sickly son to the north.

The day before Gu Shuoming left, Tong Mingxue came to the He family as a guest.

At that time, Tiedan was three years old. His little hand hooked his mother's hand, sitting on the sofa of the He family. When he was eating the nutritional meal that was especially prepared by Zhao Lanxiang, his clear eyes flickered. His little hand was holding an orange and gnawed it up, which made the elders' heart warm.

Gu Shuoming came to implore Zhao Lanxiang to make some body-conditioning meals for Tiedan. At that time, Zhao Lanxiang's "Song Lan" was trying out some dietary supplements and dietary adjustment therapy.

Zhao Lanxiang saw that Gu Shuoming looked like he had something hard to tell and thought that there was something terrible. As a result, he only asked for Tiedan's dietary needs.

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