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Bai Fumei in the '70s Chapter 61

Zhao Lanxiang was caught by him and kissed. They kissed until her cheeks are steaming hot.

She feels the slight enthusiasm in his blood and looked at the way he looked at her as if he couldn't wait to kneel down and propose. Her heartbeat almost overwhelmed the laughter coming from the Li family's courtyard.

Sweat oozes from the palm of her hand. 

"Don't make trouble, go back."

She whispered to He Songbai.

The enthusiasm in He Songbai's heart cooled down, and then he put down the girlfriend's hand in embarrassment.

His dark-brown face turned red suspiciously. He realized what he had done just now was...just like a hooligan! He sighed with relief and felt that he is more and more unruly.

Zhao Lanxiang looked at him with a smile and shook his hand. "Okay, don't be too shy, there are serious things to do later."

"Hurry back to drink wedding wine. The only precious wedding in your eldest sister's life, you can't hide outside like this. Get over it."

There were two reasons why He Songbai "hide" outside. When the girlfriend called him, he followed.

Second, it is because many members have come. He Songbai subconsciously got used to the cold eyes of others and deliberately avoided it when toasting to avoid embarrassment. To be honest, his own doesn't care about those who look down on other people, but he is afraid that someone will be bitter on this happy day, and he will say something unpleasant.

Zhao Lanxiang touched the man's ear lovingly, and encouragingly say, "Go."

"The bride's younger brother should come forward at this time and share the 'firepower'."

Zhao Lanxiang could tell that the man is a bit mindful of his own background. Even on such a day of great joy, he has to pass it carefully.

What He Songbai did not know was, on the day after the collapse of Niujiao Mountain, after the director of the women's federation and the second brigade's captain, He Laifu, sent chickens to commend their "good behavior", Zhao Lanxiang wrote the commendation letter and review materials for the "progressive members" of collective life.

She wrote a memoir to the party, and a few days later, the major safety accident was published in the provincial newspapers, and by the way, a small piece of blurb was squeezed out to these "heroes."

He Songbai was so busy during this time, he was rushing around to make up for his brother-in-law's medical expenses, and of course, he didn't bother to pay attention to the changes in the attitude of the people in the village towards him.

However, He Songbai soon feels it.

There was a smile on his face, but it was somewhat restrained. When facing the crowd, the curvature of his mouth seemed to be deliberately calculated. He didn't have the joy from the heart when he faced his own people, he even spoke flatly, not much, and tend to be a little silent.

"I'll come, I'll come."

He took the big bowl that Li Daniu had brought to his mouth, and drank it all.

This bulk rice wine is three cents per pound, cheap and spicy. The Li family bought 20 pounds in one go. There is not enough food and wine to finish, so everyone could have a good time.

The three men of the Li's family were so instigated that they are already drunk to death. Where could Daniu, Dama, and Dagou drink so much wine before...

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