"Wow" Elizabeth said making ma chuckle

"Dommy here and my sweat Scarlett are the only daughters I pushed out and I have two more daughters that I'm pretty sure you'll meet later on" she said smiling at both of them
"I'm sure you already met the cult..."

"Cult?" Nicollet asked

"The men you came with" she said making them nod
"I know that they're all quite big in statue..."

"Understatement" Gavin said making me snort

"True but that is about how big all my sons are, if not bigger. Actually, they are slightly bigger than the cult" she said the last part more to herself
"But I swear their all a bunch of children and big teddy bears with too much sarcasm"

"They are a bunch of children" pa said appearing behind ma

"I was including you in that statement love" she said making him gasp

"You wound me love" he said then pouted making ma roll her eyes and hug him

"And you call us clinging" I said then turned to our guests
"I should get my team so we can finish this case and get those fuckers in jail"

"Language" ma said making me cough

"We'll come back later to see if you still have your sanity intact" I said making them laugh. I directed them into the house while my parents chased each other around the front yard.

"Are we really safe here?" I turned and looked at Elizabeth holding onto Nicollet's hand.

"I promise you my family will protect you. My brothers may seem scary at first but I swear they would never hurt you" I said looking them both in the eyes. I lead them into the living room. Two of my brothers had their feet in foot spars while Scarlett did their nails and my team was just there.

"Ello" Scarlett said to them making them smile

"Hi" they all said simultaneously

"Well, then. That idiot with headphones on is Donatello and the angel next to him is Santi. That princess is Scarlett and you've already met the cult" I said

"How are we a cult?"

"Where are the other idiots?" I asked

"Whose an idiot?" I turned and saw Dakota

"This is my other brother Dakota where's your husband?"

"In the kitchen, he told me to go away" he said pouting making the girls giggle

"Guys this is Gavin Brown and his daughters Nicollet and Elizabeth Brown" I said introducing them. I motioned them into the room and they followed me.
"Where's Angelo?"

"You called?" he said appearing out of nowhere. I was about to comment on it but stopped when he locked eyes with the two new women in the room.

He had his nails and his toenails painted black by Scarlett, had a towel in his hand and stood in nothing but his sweatpants shorts. I turned my eyes to the two women but they also had their eyes on him. Gavin cleared his throat making Angelo look at him and raise an eyebrow. Dakota went to him and slapped the back of his head telling him to be nice. Angelo turned to look at his younger brother and this man gulped and ran off with Angelo hot on his heels.

"No running in the house!" I heard Israel yell

"Baby he's gonna kill me!" Dakota yelled

"Your husband is childish!" Angelo also yelled

"What does that make you since you're chasing him?!" Israel yelled and it went quiet for three seconds before the back door was ripped open

"Shut up!" Angelo yelled running after my brother. I sighed and faced our guest, the girls were smiling and had rosy cheeks but that all went away when they met their father's eyes

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