Chapter 27

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"Made it as fast as I could, was in the middle of work and all," Vic made her way into Seth's house, "So what's your plan?" It had been a few days since they last saw each other so she was expecting news on the whole Alecus situation.

"Well, I found someone who may be able to contact him but I'm not sure how it will work," Seth sighed sitting down on his couch.

Vic joined him, "How soon do you think it will be?"

Seth thought for a while, "Depends on if he even wants to talk to me."

"Have hope, I'm sure he will. Remember what we talked about Seth," she looked over at him.

"I know, I know, it's just that, what if he doesn't wanna see me after everything I said? He has every right to decline," he felt the anxiety of it all creep into his chest.

"I think he'd come to see you if you told him to. You know...that day he came to confess to you glared at me, fucking hated my guts and he didn't even hide it," Vic admitted and a small smile crept onto Seth's face.

"He did?" Seth felt a little embarrassed but at the same time happy.

"Yeah, like I was surprised. No one has ever given me that look before. After seeing that, I knew for a fact that he really liked you. A guy like that, I don't think he'd miss the chance of hearing an explanation."

"I can't believe I had my head so far up my ass that I didn't get to witness it. To think he'd be jealous of you," he laughed and though it was at Vic's expense she didn't mind.

Just then someone knocked on the door.

"Who's that?" Vic sat up right glancing towards the door.

"It's your girlfriend," Seth joked getting up and walking over to the door.

"WHAT?!" Vic immediately combed her fingers through her hair, adjusted her bra, and reapplied a deep red lipstick before rushing to stand beside Seth who was opening the door. Her face heated up at the sight of Melody. Her beauty is unmatched. My Goddess! "Hi, Melody!" She smiled at the goddess before her.

"Hello Victoria, long time no see," Melody returned the smile then turned to Seth and gave him a sour look. "You do realize I'm the one Alecus came crying to right?"

"Which is exactly why I called you over," Seth invited her into his house. "I need to apologize but I can't reach out to him because I'm not allowed up there and I have no way of contacting him," he explained.

Melody sighed, "How do I get caught up in such situations? Alright, I'll see what I can do for you, but you better not hurt him again," she warned. "He's been through enough you know?"

"I know and I won't, I promise. I was an idiot," Seth's mood dropped and Melody calmed her evil look. The demon seemed guilty enough.

"Uhh, Victoria..." she turned to look at the succubus.

"Hmm?" Vic innocently looked up at her.

"Your tail is doing that thing again where it wraps around my leg," Melody motioned towards her leg.

"Oh!" Vic blushed, embarrassed, releasing her, "Sorry, thing has a mind of its own hahaha..." she turned away.

"Right, well if that's all then, I'll get going now," Melody announced.

"Alright, thanks, you have my number, let me know what he says," Seth gave a tight smile.

"Oh! Let me walk you out my Godd—Melody!" Vic rushed to walk beside the goddess.

"Sure," Meldoy giggled at Vic's enthusiasm.

They walked out leaving Seth inside.

"'s been a while since we've hung out," Vic started and Melody's stare made her nervous, "We—we should catch up sometime!"

Melody smiled at her and it nearly turned Vic's legs to putty, "I wouldn't mind that, just the two of us I take it?"

"Yes!—," Vic shyly tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Alright, see you then," Melody planted a quick kiss on the succubus's cheek. "Don't flake on me Victoria," she ordered before teleporting.

Vic stood there in shock. Her Goddess just kissed her. She couldn't believe it.

Seth's front door opened and out came the demon to stand beside his friend.

"She...she kissed me..." Vic held her hand up to her face.

"You guys have kissed before you know," Seth rolled his eyes.

"WHAT?!" Vic swerved to stare at the demon in utter shock.

"You do it all the time when you two drink. It's so annoying. I'm a total third wheel when it happens," Seth sighed acting like what he just said wasn't a big deal.

Vic was hit with a wave of depression at this newfound information. Her Goddess has kissed her before and it was a real kiss no cheek, full lips. How could she not know?

"You know technically getting slapped hard enough to leave a mark takes passion. So in a way Alecus basically kissed me on the cheek," Seth was in deep thought.

"No, he didn't," Vic's face was dark.

"Party pooper," Seth frowned.

"You knew I shared a kiss with my goddess and you never told me..."

"I thought you knew, I mean come on, I wouldn't be surprised if you did more than just kiss. I never stuck around to find out," Seth shrugged as if he didn't just drop another bomb on Vic.

"M—MORE?!" She dropped to the ground dramatically.

"Hey! Stop making a scene in front of my porch," he dragged her back up.

"To think I cheered you up and you've been hiding this from me!" she took a hold of Seth's ear and yanked it hard.

"OW!" He pulled away, "You bitch!" He rubbed his ear in an attempt to soothe his pain.

"Yeah, I'm a bitch," she had an evil grin on her face and Seth backed away.

"How about we calm down for a second," he held his hands up for protection.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to show you how passionate I am about our friendship," she grabbed a hold of him.

That night the neighbors tossed and turned having difficulty sleeping over the screaming that came from Seth's house.

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