Chapter 5

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After the conversation with Melody, Alecus found himself rethinking the entire contract he agreed to with Seth. He knew demons were cunning and not to be trusted, he just wondered how he let it happen. Was he really that stupid?

"And last bite," Alasdair had taken initiative and fed their mother while Alecus was lost in thought. Surprisingly their mother did not find the addition of Alasdair unpleasant. In fact, things felt more alive. "Alright, I think we are done here, I'll help Mom get ready for bed while you tend to the dishes. If that's alright with you," she looked at Alecus waiting for a response.

"Huh? Yes, of course, that's fine," he agreed standing up.

"Alright and I'd like to talk to you later," she added before leaving with their mother.

"Right," Alecus sighed. He picked up his tea and brought it to his lips. With one sip he knew he did not want it anymore. It had become cold. He thought back to the tea Seth had made him. Would a demon with bad intentions offer him tea? Better yet, why let Alecus into his house to begin with? Maybe Seth doesn't have bad intentions.

While Alecus wrestled with the thought he made his way to the kitchen soaping up the sponge.


"There you are," Alasdair made her way into Alecus's room. He was sitting on his bed still thinking. "The strangest most unexpected thing happened when I put Mother to bed." She sat down next to him.

"What happened?" He turned to her.

"She said thank you. It was low and croaky but she spoke. I haven't heard her voice in so long. I've almost forgotten what it sounded like." She sighed clearly feeling emotional.

"Alasdair, do you think Mother will ever get better?" Alecus asked no longer looking at her but staring at the ground.

"Why do you ask baby brother?"

"It's just that she's been like this for so long already...I've been taking care of her for so long. I know I stepped in when I was a teenager after you had to get on with your own life but it feels like years have passed and nothing has changed. Is that what it felt like for you? When you had to juggle taking care of me and Mother? Did you ever wish you could get out of it sooner?" He caught himself realizing that he sounded like he hated taking care of their mother. "Not that I want to leave her like this. It's just, I-"

"I know. It's not fair Alecus. It's not fair that you hold this burden. Had you asked me this before today, I would have said that I don't believe she will ever get better...but after tonight, when she looked at me and I mean really looked at me, and thanked me...I feel like she might just get better. I think it's finally happening. After all these years...I'm glad you are talking to me about this," She put an arm around Alecus's shoulders, "I am here Alec, I want to help you get her back on her feet. I want you to be able to leave this place and make a life of your own. It's long due brother."

Alecus only realized he had been crying when a teardrop slid down his cheek and off his face. He rushed to wipe them but it only caused more to come out.

Alasdair removed her arm and turned to him, "I'm sorry. I mean it. I shouldn't have left it all to you...I was just so angry and tired of it but it doesn't make it right that I left you to do all the work once you were old enough. I understand why you'd feel worried about allowing me to take care of her after doing it alone all these years." She pulled her brother into a hug and he sobbed into her shoulder. "I want to help Alec, let me help you." She felt him weakly nod. The tide was turning and things were going to change, she could feel it. She believed it.


The next day went by quickly but smoothly having an extra helping hand really did make things a lot easier for Alecus. It also seemed to make his mother better. She looked a little more alive not as much as he'd like but even the smallest victories deserve to be celebrated.

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