Page 42 | Training Camp

Start from the beginning

Their bus stopped at the top of a ridge. All of them stepped out by Aizawa's orders and Y/N was forced to get out, too-- interrupting his sleep.

He yawns as he spots the class doing their own things to pass by. Stretching his arms, he notices a black car beside the bus as Aizawa rallies the class.

Y/N:  *Yawn* "Sensei? Where's Class B?"

Aizawa: "They're currently on the other side of the ridge and their bus is still travelling towards here. And there is no point to stop here for a reason."

This caught their attention as they quietly listened to Aizawa.

Aizawa: "They're here." Aizawa gestures and glances at the black car not far from them.

???: "Yo, Eraser!"

Aizawa respectively bows as a greeting.

Aizawa: "Long time no see."

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Y/N: "H-Huh?! The Wild Wild Pussycats?!" Y/N exclaimed with wide eyes. 'Uh-oh... I need to run away before those two would notice me!'

Aizawa: "These are Pro Heroes who will be working with us during the camp, the Pussycats."

Somehow, Y/N felt a great disturbance as he saw Midoriya giggling like a kid and fanboying once more.

Midoriya: "No way! This year will be their twelfth workin-- UHGKK!"

He was slammed by PixieBob with her cat paw, shushing him.

PixieBob: "I'm 18 AT HEART! Do you understand?"

Midoriya: "Y-YES! Y-You're 18!" Midoriya replied with her paws still in his face.

Y/N: "And that's the reason I don't want them to see me." Y/N muttered with a sweatdrop.

Speaking of Y/N...

PixieBob: "KYAAAHH!!" PixieBob screamed as she notices Y/N. "Y/N-kun, is that you~?"

Y/N: "S-Sensei?" Y/N slowly turns his head to his teacher, begging for help. "Help?"

Aizawa only gave him a thumbs-up, before PixieBob pounces at Y/N, hugging him with his face resting on PixieBob's chest.

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