Page 32 | Raid

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" " - Dialogues

'HELLO' - Thoughts

"Roger." - Radio conversation, media footage.

LMAO - Deep Voice / Important Dialogue / PA Announcement

OUCH - Authors Note / 4th wall breaks

SMASH! - Jutsu Name / Quirk Ability

"Kamusta" - Foreign Language

KURAMA - Kurama and Y/N mindscape talks, mental talks.



3rd Person PoV

And as Y/N went back to reality, he was blown away by an explosion on the hangar, as he fell down below the pipelines. This caught everyone crashing and by surprise, as the sirens in the quinjet blares loudly.

Y/N: "Ugh. Great..."

He slowly stands up and leans in the hallway to compose himself, looking around, he saw SHIELD personnel scrambling as they ran left and right towards their respective positions. When he glanced to his left, he saw armed agents aiming their guns at him.

Y/N: "Uh-oh." Y/N muttered as he ran to the right hallway, dodging the bullets as he reached the crossroads  "I need to go to Fury." He added as he reached the control room. The SHIELD Agents inside were in chaos as they were struggling to take control of the lost engine.

Hill: "Agent Ashura!" Hill yelled as the blonde approaches her and their team to check the situation. "Where's the Director?"

Y/N: "I don't know what happened. But an explosion happened below the room while we were arguing." The Agent clicked her tongue and mutters something under her breath.

Hill: "Go to the prisoner's room."

Y/N: "Loki?"

Hill: "Coulson's guarding him-"

Y/N: "Wait... Coulson's guarding Loki, ALONE?!" Y/N stated the word 'alone' with his eyes widened. "Hold the fort, Agent Hill. I'm going to him!" He added as he rushed to the cell.

Y/N quickly ran off the room, dashing and passing through several SHIELD Agents before he was stopped by a firefight between SHIELD Agents and some rogue mercenaries. He hid behind the wall, pulls out a hidden kunai holstered in his lower pocket and waited for the mercenaries to reload.

When the guns went silent, he threw the kunai at the middle of the enemies in cover, disappearing in a flash as he appeared behind the unsuspecting mercs.

Merc 1: "B-Behind you!" The merc jerked his head to his left, seeing Y/N with a hiraishin kunai as he slashes the guy's neck, spurting out blood as he twirls the kunai and stabs another.

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