"Rafe Cameron." Evelynn smiles falsely. "What are you doing here?"

"It's a kegger, Evelynn Rose, why wouldn't I show up?" The way he says her name makes the girl want to vomit.

"Because any opportunity to get free alcohol, you're there, right?" She chuckles, an unfamiliar look in her eyes.

The Cameron boy chuckles sadistically, the grip on his cup tightening as he takes a step forward, "Listen here, pogue—

"Rafe!" The voice makes Evelynn's eyes light up, the action not going unnoticed by Topper, who raises his brows at her.

"Luca Antonio." Rafe smiles gleefully.

As he says this, Kirsten's grasping Evelynn's hand to pull the girl next to her. A look of confusion falls across her face at the name. Obviously she knows Luca, she's just confused as to why everyone's saying full government names.

"What are you doing, man?"

"Just meeting up with old friends." Rafe shrugs, placing his arm around Luca's shoulder.

"We aren't friends, Rafe."

The Antonio boy looks over at his girlfriend, sighing at the look on her face. He can tell she feels accomplished in making the oldest Cameron child upset.

Placing his hand on Rafe's chest to push him back softly, signaling for him to walk away,  "Leave her alone."

Luca saying 'her' makes Kirsten roll her eyes. Of course, she's happy her friend found someone, but let's not act like she wasn't shaking in her sandals when Rafe approached them. In fact, she hasn't let go of Evelynn's hand since reached to pull her away from the boys.

"What's your problem, bro?" Topper speaks up, walking closer to the taller boy.

"There's no problem, Topper." Luca says calmly, Evelynn's smile dropping.

"You're standing up for pogues, Luca. That's a problem." Rafe says, walking forward so he's standing directly in front of the boy. Rafe reaches forward to push Luca further away from him, knowing it'll only irritate him more.

Luca's tongue runs across the inside of his cheek, the boy now realizing he might have to defend himself two on one.

The pushes of Rafe continue before he's being shoved away by other boy, who stands only a few inches shorter than him.

Before it can escalate any more, a voice cuts it, "Guys, stop."

"My god." Evelynn mumbles to herself.


JJ was speaking with John B when he noticed he hasn't seen Kirsten in the past couple of minutes. The blonde glances around the boneyard in hopes of spotting the oldest Carrera twin.

His face pulls into a frown at the sight of Luca Antonio standing protectively in front of his crush, Kirsten and his friend, Evelynn. He watches as Sarah Cameron stands near Topper, trying to diffuse the tension. Pulling John B with him, he makes his way other to the group.

"Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?"

"No, thanks." The girl shakes her head, a distasteful look on her face.

The pogue scoffs, "Is it not fancy enough for you?"

Sarah smiles at the two girls who only stare at her with different looks. She looks back at JJ, "No. We were just leaving."

"Hey, you know what? I'll take it." Topper says, his attention finally off of Luca who's now standing by his girlfriend, with his pinky brushing against her hand, allowing the girl to intertwine their fingers.

"I'll..." Topper trails off, reaches to grab the drink from the Maybank's hand. "Thank you, man. I appreciate it-"

JJ quickly cuts him off, "That's nice, but I didn't ask you. If you said pretty please, maybe, but you didn't. So..."

"Oh, pretty please." Topper says, giving in to JJ's mocking.

"JJ-" Kirsten starts, after receiving a look from John B, the girl quickly getting cut off by him.

"Yeah. Sarah."

Topper's attitude towards JJ starts to grow the more he is ignored, "Pretty please?"

Luca can see Rafe and Kelce make their way closer to them, quickly catching on that he might have to get involved.

Continuing to ignore him, Maybank forces the drink to Sarah, "You can have it."

"She doesn't want it, you—" Topper snaps.

Sarah, not wanting another argument to break out, reaches forward to take the drink out of his hand, "Okay."

One minute they were watching a second argument and the next Evelynn and Kirsten were being pulled to the side by Pope to avoid getting dragged into the hand to hand combat between the kooks and pogues.

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