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"Why so tense?" Looking over I see Liv walk my way, I'm near the river looking out thinking about Robert and how he's changed so much. Besides Robert says he loves my sister but he only loved her beauty, he doesn't truly love her.

"Your aunt has recently gotten married" she sits down next to me "she's no older than you"

She frowns "is she pregnant?"

I laugh "no" shaking my head "gods forbid that happens"

She frowns "my mom has always said each child is a gift, why would"

"What I mean" cutting her off "is that-Robert hates Targaryens. He has kept an eye on the last three-your brother, your aunt and uncle. He already wants them dead because of what your grandfather had done and what he thinks your uncle had done"

"What does he think"

"I'll" patting her hand "tell you another time, but not now. Now...I've thought about what you asked and it's too dangerous for you to contact your aunt and uncle. Only Baelon"

She is silent before nodding her head "alright, I mean I don't want to put anyone's lives in danger because of me"

"Just like your mother" smiling "we all called her the Gentle Dragon"

She smiles "she calls me her Wicked Dragon"

I laugh "that's what they call your brother but more like the Savage Dragon"

"Why savage?" She laughs

"Because one time there was this attack against Castlery Rock, your brother let the resistance by himself. He didn't spare anyone because of what happened" I say "they also say he has a temper"

"A temper?" She frowns "like beats women temper or"

"No" shaking my head "more like a temper that rises when his family is in danger" she nods her head.

"My father" she says after some time "Klaus, that was his name. He also had a be honest if you compared my father to my grandfather by father is worse" I frown "much like Aerys he sometimes killed because he wanted to" looking out "I know I have the potential to get that madness gene but I try hard not to. I have this temper that I make sure to keep in check but...when I see those who need help I will help. I will protect" much like Rhaegar "did my mother tell you what a werewolf is?"

"Your cursed if you kill a person to be a wolf once a month" she nods her head

"Yes but also" she adds "werewolves have these tempers and did she tell you how being a vampire everything will be heightened?"

"In a way"

"My rage, it will be so hard to keep in check" she says "I fear when I do turn into a vampire that I might snap and kill so many for no reason" a tear comes down her face "I don't want to be a killer"

"And you won't be" shaking my head, wiping the tear "those of us who killed it was because we had to to defend ourselves. We don't kill because we want to" she bites her lip "your a good person Olivia, there's a light in you that shines so brightly that I fear the day it goes away"

She throws her arms around me and hugs me, I hug her back. We are silent that when she pulls away, our faces are close that I lean in until we hear a branch crack and we pull away to look over and see Jaime there. He has his arms crossed "Well well well" he smirks "what do we have here?"

"What do you want?" I demand

"I came to get you Lord Stark" he says, I frown "your youngest daughter's direwolf attacked the prince, she's gone missing along with her direwolf"

"Give me something of Arya's" Liv orders me "I can do a locator spell to find her"

~Liv's POV~

My locator spell leads us to the king? I thought they said she was missing. Ned and I go in and see Arya being held by guards "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Arya says to Ned, I look at the crowned prince and it doesn't look like he has that bad of a wound.

"Are you hurt?" Ned asks

"No" she shakes her head crying, Ned pulls away and Arya comes to me "don't let them hurt Nymeria. It was an accident"

"What happened?" I whisper

"What is the meaning of this?" Ned demands as he looks at the royal family "Why was my daughter not brought to me at once?"

"How dare you speak to your king in that manner?" The queen calmly speaks

"Quiet, woman!" The king snaps "sorry, Ned. I never meant to frighten the girl but we need to get this business done quickly"

"Your girl and that butcher's boy attacked my son" I stare at them in disbelief looking at the crowned prince, man he's a big baby "that anima of hers nearly tore his arm off" it did? If it did that kid could have a sling to make sure his arm heals properly.

"That's not true!" Arya exclaims "She just...but him a little. He was hurting Mycah"

"Joff told us what happened" the queen says as the prince doesn't look at anyone "you and that boy beat him with clubs while you set your wolf on him" I snort loudly with a smile looking away "oh?" She looks my way, everyone does "something funny?"

"Just the story" I say

"You think I lied!" Joffrey yells at me. I nod my head "I should have your head!"

"Girl" the king speaks up silencing the prince "why do you think my boy lies?"

"Permission to speak freely?" I ask "with no repercussions?" He narrows his eyes before nodding his head "I don't see any bruises on him but that bandage on his arm, I mean look at him" the king does "where are the bruises? Bumps? If they really did hit him with clubs then the prince would still be bleeding, he'd be covered in bruises...quite frankly I think your son did this because he wants to cause trouble and get out of marrying Sansa Stark" both the prince and queen glare at me.

"That is a lie!" The prince yells "shut up!" I flip him off "I'll have your hand for that!"

"Quiet!" The king yells he looks at his son and narrows his eyes "you will do no such thing boy! Show me the wound!"

"What?" The queen demands

"Ned's niece is right" the king snaps "if Joffrey was truly injured he would have more than just the arm wound, how do we know he didn't injure his own arm? Seven hells! What am I to make of this?"

"What about Lord Stark's other daughter?" The queen demands "maybe she can shed some light" biased light.

"She's in bed" Ned tells them

"No she isn't" the queen waves her hand "Sansa, come here, darling"

We watch Sansa be brought forward, she barely looks our way "Now, child..." the king waves her forward "tell me what happened. Tell it all and tell it true, it's a great crime to lie to a king"

She looks from us to Joffrey then looks at the king "I don't know" first smart thing she's done "I don't remember, everything happened so fast. I didn't see"

"Liar!" Arya goes to attack but I grab her

"Calm down" I stroke her hair "don't worry" Arya holds onto me as we look at the king, queen, and prince.

"Hmm" the king huffs "it seems these accusations Joffrey told us are false" looking at Joffrey "lie to me again or risk my friendship with Lord Stark, you will be disowned" his eyes widen along with the queens.

"What about the wolf?" The queen demands "it's a dangerous creature and we have one of the other isn't found"

"She doesn't mean Lady, does she?" Sansa demands "Lady hasn't done anything!"

"Your grace, is this your wish?" Ned asks

"Get her a dog" the king ordered "she'll be much happier"

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