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~Ned's POV~

I watch as Liv plays with Arya, Prince Tommen and Princess Myrcella. She is so good with kids, she told me once how she use to baby sit children. That back in her world baby sitting is a way you earn money and gives you experience with being near kids. Sometimes I wonder what she would be like with her own child, me as the father to that child. I picture her reading underneath a tree to the child.

"Gods!" Looking over snapping out of my thoughts I see Robert come back from where he was pissing "This is country!" When he sits down he says "I've half a mind to leave them all behind and keep going"

"I've half a mind to go with you" take Liv and leave. But then I remember who is before me and that would be dangerous, having Liv and Robert be in the same vicinity. It's already dangerous now, especially with her hair starting to grow out and the purple fading. I soon need to speak to her about that.

"What do you say? Just you and me" Robert asks me "on the Kingsroad, swords at our sides. A couple of tavern wenches to warm our beds tonight" I wish I could say yes but the thought of bedding anyone but Liv didn't register since all I'm thinking about is her.

"You should have asked me that 20 years ago" looking out to Liv and the children, Arya is on Liv's back as Liv carries her someplace.

"There were wars to fight, women to marry" he eats another grape "we never had the chance to be young"

Technically he's the one getting to be young, I've heard the rumors of how he beds anyone. I mean at the feast he took three of the whores that were there to his bed "I recall a few chances" I however would never do that to Catelyn since I'm a man of honor. I made a vow all those years ago and I intend to honor it, no matter how much I want to break that vow and be with someone else. Someone with purple hair and beautiful blue eyes.

We chuckle and then Robert asks "There was that one...oh, what was her name? That common girl of yours? Becca?" Motioning to his chest "with the great big tits you could bury your face in"

"Bessie?" I ask "she was one of yours"

"Bessie!" He exclaims "thank the gods for Bessie! And her tits!" We laugh "yours was...Aleena? No" shaking his head "you told me this once, Meryl? Your bastards mother?"

"Wylla" Actually it's Lyanna, I only took her son in and claimed him as my own since Robert would kill Jon if he knew the truth about how Rhaegar and Lyanna had a child. This will be a secret I carry till my grave or until I see Jon next.

"That's it" Robert smiles as I look out frowning "she must have been a rare wench to make Lord Eddard Stark forget his honor. You never told me what she looked like"

"Nor will I" as long as Robert lives I won't risk Jon's life, just like I won't risk Liv's life or Vhaela's.

"We were at war" Robert says with a calm voice "none of us knew if we were gonna go back home again, you're too hard on yourself. You always have been, your brother Brandon did what any of us would do. You have your niece" he looks out and we see Liv running when the kids chase her before tackling her "what does her mother look like? Those eyes of hers, they remind me of someone but...I don't know where"

The one time he met Vhaela, gods I need to get him to get over this "her mother had red hair and blue eyes with tan skin. She was from Kingslanding"

"Hmm" he huffs looking at Liv "she truly is a beauty, are you going to marry her off. Have her legitimatized?"

"Maybe one day I'll have her marry but not anytime soon" I say. Again the idea of Liv marrying anyone that isn't me or is with anyone but me makes me jealous.

"I swear if I weren't your king" Robert says and I look over "you'd have hit me already"

"The worst thing about your coronation" I say "I'll never get to hit you again"

"Trust me, that's not the worst thing" he pulls out a letter handing it to me "there was a rider in the night" I take it to read it.

"Daenerys Targaryen has wed some Dothraki horselord" I have thought this over with Jaime and we both have agreed that we should only have Baelon and Liv meet, not to correspond with Daenerys or Viserys since it would be too dangerous. Especially the rumors of Viserys being a beggar king, he'll use this to his advantage "what of it? Should we send her a wedding gift?"

"A knife" Robert drinks his beer as I toss the note aside "perhaps a good sharp one and a bold man to wield it"

"She's little more than a child" like I said before, Robert disgusts me at times with how he wants to kill children. Especially when the child has done nothing.

"Soon enough that child will spread her legs" Robert says "and start breeding"

"Tell me we're not speaking of this" I beg

"Oh?" He asks anger coming to him "it's unspeakable to you? What her father did to your family-that was unspeakable. What Rhaegar Targaryen did to your sister-the woman I loved!" It was all a bit misunderstanding, at times I wish Lyanna had only told the truth. How she married Rhaegar and Elia, the three were in a relationship together. I wish sometimes she had just told the truth. "I'll kill every Targaryen I get my hands on! It's already unfortunate that I can't kill that Baelon since his father won't let me, but these two..."

I won't let him kill Liv or Baelon "but you can't get your hands on this one, can you?"

"This Khal Drogo, it's said he has 100,000 men in his horde" the Dothraki won't cross the Narrow Sea, I can't believe Robert is truly afraid of what everyone knows. Dothraki don't trust boats.

"Even a million Dothraki are no threat to the realm" shaking my head "as long as they remain on the other side of the Narrow Sea. They have no ships Robert!"

"There are still those in the Seven Kingdoms who call me usurper" he darkly says "if the Targaryen boy crosses with a Dothraki horde at his back, the scum will join him. Baelon Lannister will join him! His mother wherever she is will come out to join him!"

"He will not cross" I confidently say "and if by chance he does we'll throw him back into the sea. As for Baelon, he doesn't know Viserys and his mother is most likely dead. No one has seen Vhaela Targaryen in years"

"There's a war coming, Ned" Robert raises his cup "I don't know when, I don't know who we'll be fighting...but it's coming" and when it does come I'll be on Liv's side.

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