Who Are They?

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"Kids I'm back!!" Announced the mother of two siblings.
Dipper and Mabel came rushing to her, "Hey mom!!" Mabel said, "Do you know who Y/N Pines is?" Her mother looked a bit confused, "No? Who is this Y/N you're talking about?" Dipper chimed in, "Well I found a letter in my room that was from someone named Y/N and this person had our last name so we were wondering if they were some kind of relative-"
"One of you might've wrote it and made up a character with a goofy name like that and just don't remember. No one that I know of has the name Y/N. Now how about you two help me put the groceries away?"
"Maybe you're right, after all we spent the whole summer away from home!" Dipper's twin sister said, "Good, now come on!" The three went to the kitchen to put the items away.
Though Dipper did not believe that, there must've been a person named Y/N.
The name sounds so familiar.. He thought.

. The Void .

"I swear! I'm going to die of boredom here!!" A voice whined, "Good! Now go die already I'm sick of hearing you whine. And you call yourself a dream demon!" Another voice said.
"Oh come on! Th-" "Shut up Bill! This is your fault, if you hadn't started that whole apocalypse then we wouldn't be here in the first place!" The other voice, Bill, started speaking once more. "No actually this is your fault for trusting me. Not to mention you also stabbed and tried to murder pinetree, so what makes you any better?"

"Hey at least I don't complain, unlike you, I'm actually grateful."

"I'm not complaining-! I'm just.. I don't like it here.."

The other voice sighed softly, turning away as they crossed their arms. "Me too. Me too. But hey, we're going to be stuck here for quite a bit. So let's try not to tear each other apart..?"

"Good idea, Y/N."

. The Overworld  .

The twins finally got done putting the groceries away with their mother, now returning back to their room. 

Mabel sat on here bed, looking at Dipper. "I don't think Y/N is fictional."

"Me too." He leaned against the wall, looking down. "Considering demons and monsters exist, there's definitely a lot more that we don't know about." He glanced up at his sister after a moment.

"But I don't understand, we don't have any other relative!! So who could this Y/N person be?" She thought for a moment, "Maybe it's just like the whole thing with Grunkle Ford..?" Dipper smiled at her, "That's a great theory-, except, I don't think there's another machine being hidden from us that could bring back this mystery person." Mabel thought for a moment, "Good point. But if there's no weird universe- Time thingy machine thing then how could we find out who Y/N is?" 

"I guess we'd have to wait until next summer to visit Gravity Falls.. I mean, that's going to take quite a while, but that's the only place where I think we'd find clues." He thought for a moment, "But I suppose we should keep an eye out on any clues on who this person could be."

"I agree."

He looked up at Mabel, beaming. "Well then, turns out our mystery solving days aren't over temporarily  now!" 


A/N: Hello!!! Peepaw here. I've arisen back from the dead and noticed many people have been begging for an update. It would be cruel of me to leave you hanging. So guess what? I'm updating this again!!!! I might drop chapters at random times, but expect more frequent ones over the weekends. And most importantly, BE PATIENT PLEASE!!! I'm still in school and oh boy does it break my back and take my time- Plus I get unmotivated to do anything so if I don't drop a chapter during the weekend, just know that it's because of that. But I WILL try to post AT LEAST ONE CHAPTER EVERY WEEKEND

And thank you so much for those who read this, I thought this sequel was going to flop when I first wrote it.. So thank you so much!!!! I love you all and I'll see you next time- Feel free to drop ANY questions either here or on my profile (Preferably on my profile but I really don't care lmao)

So until then, I'll be watching you :)

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