Chapter 11: Robin

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Robin needs to be protected at all costs he's so precious 😭

He's literally a furry but we love him <3

he had a lil pack fam thingy his family included:
Mum/2nd cousin
Dad/2nd cousin
-lot of incest but it's okay

He had a son with his sister but it's okay cause the kid is cute and named rufeidnfos (Rufus)

He was such a good dad and his son was only 7 when him and his brothers died due to a bar attack

He died due to a bear attack but got struck by lightning

him and his kid only just started going on hunts before he died

He LOVED making cave paintings and covered the cave walls in them

he always painted the moon & stars in every painting

in his paintings the stars represented the dead and the moon represented an afterlife sort of thing - it was their way of remembering the dead, like graves but stars

The reason why he loves the moon is because it's what they think is the afterlife and he longs to be there in the sky with his family </3

he never told anyone about his kid but one day told Julian and they talk about their kids and how they would give anything to go back and watch them grow up <3

Robin always trust to convince Julian that his daughter would be perfect for his son 😭

when pat got his christmas present he almost cried thinking about his own son and wants to tell pat about his but is too scared

on a lighter note, he loves animals and goes animal/bug hunting with kitty sometimes

His fav bug is a mantis or a worm 🦗🪱

when he goes bug hunting he plays a game called "where did the bug go" and kitty had to guess, but she's never found them (he ate them)

he always watches Mike or Alison cook and would be a great chef if he could physically cook

him and Julian always have a chess tournament everyday and he always wins no matter what

him, fanny and julian gossip so much, and to get the deets they all tried to listen in on convos but everyone would get caught apart from robin

when someone gossiped he just stood in the room "acting normal" (doing random shit like dancing and crap 😭) and everyone just ignored it thinking he was just doing some ritual or something

he's a very fast learner and is so curious about modern technology and Julian always teaches him new stuff

when he died he could actually leave the grounds and did but came back, stayed for a bit and got stuck there

Once he told a story about his life and everyone loved it so much that they made a storytime club where robin would tell a new story

once he really wanted to take a family picture with everyone bcs he just learnt what a camera was so Alison took the photo then painted the ghosts onto it <3

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