Chapter 9: Thomas

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He pees in the bed 🥺🥺
Thanks alyssas_secret for the idea 👹

When he went to drown himself in the lake he saw a really big ghost fish, cried and made robin catch it 🐟

he's still trying to live and cope with the fact that he never can be with Isabelle that's why he falls madly in love with people because he's trying to move on but he still can't

He sees aspects of Isabelle in Alison that's why he's very obsessed also Alison is technically related to Isabelle

Him and Julian taught robin how to kiss - not in a weird way unless ur weird like that

Hates crabs that's why he has nightmares of it 💔

Is an emo 😔

Oh April fools hides under peoples bed and recites poems

Once told Julian that his poems were better than his speeches and they got into a scrap 💔 the plauge ghosts had to sort it out

Have monthly head ball tournaments (volleyball but w Humphreys head)

Over time he forgot his poetry and was actually good at it. The only reason he was bad at the party was because he can only write good poems when in his happy place, he was there when writing to Isabelle. The poem he performed was an older one which was bad and he performed it bad as he was nervous about Isabelle otherwise it would have gone amazingly. That's also why he recited good poetry to Alison about the sun, because he's in his happy place at button house and with her <3

In his poems the sun is actually a metaphor for Isabelle <3

Him and Humphrey actually used to talk about poems and pieces of literature when they could

For some reason he likes smashing Humphreys head in by using him as a football 🥺

Absolutely loves pirates of the Caribbean and is inlove with keria knightly and will watch any films she's in

Only like regency period dramas otherwise thinks there crap

Got habits of calling people a 'Wazzock' because of pat

Went to Scotland and almost died cause it was really cold and he went at the wrong time of year with the wrong clothes 

His horse was called Rupert and he misses him </3

Feel like he's a cat person cause they both seem to think they're like gods

His fav food was pasta. He was defo a pasta person.

Egos higher than where moonah is

Absolute fitty 100000/10

Ghosts Head cannons which are most definitely not capTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang