I sat outside the back door and watched the dark garden outside.

I felt eyes on me like I did that time in the pool. I didn't really mind though the feeling was kind of comforting.

I soon finished my cigarette and heading back inside with my redbull just as zinc and Brandon entered the kitchen.

"You had a cig without me how rude of you." Brandon said making me laugh and finish my redbull.

"We'll there's no time have one after we have to get to the gym." Zinc said as he lead us to the gym.

"Where is Teddy and Aurora?" Brandon asked me and zinc.

"Maybe there still asleep?" I said unsurely.

"Come on you smokers were almost there." Zinc said as he stopped in front of a door.

"Behold the gym my favourite place." Zinc said as he opened the doors dramatically.

Brandon is definitely rubbing off on him.

"Greatttt." I said sarcastically as I entered the gym and set my water bottle down on the ground.

This is going to be a long 2 hours.

James's POV:

"FUCK!" I shouted smashing my hands on my desk in my room.

I have been looking for any ways on how to fight a windego for hours now and there is simply just nothing. Like at all.

'What am I going to show zinc when I literally have nothing?' I asked Gabriel getting more and more frustrated.

'James I need a run.' Gabriel said as I got up and headed outside. Let's hope I don't get eaten by a fucking windego before I even have a chance to find out how to defeat them.

I quickly shifted into my wolf and decided to run to the mansion and back. It isn't a long journey from the mansion to the pack cave but it's enough for Gabriel to get out his energy.

I ran and ran until I could see the roof of the mansion.

'Ok let's turn ba-.' I said to Gabriel but stopped when I smelt that sweet smell of roses again.

''is mate here?' Gabriel asked walking slowly towards the back garden on the mansion.

Gabriel looked through the bushes and sure enough she was there sat on the back step of the door smoking a cigarette.

'She smokes, mate smokes James why is she doing that to herself?' Gabriel asked with a hint of worry.

'I don't know gab but we don't want to scare her she's obviously at the pack mansion for a reason and when I see zinc I intend on finding out.' I relied as we watched her throw the cigarette bud on the floor and walk back inside the mansion.

'Damn even if she does smoke she's still the most beautiful girl in the world.' I said to Gabriel as we headed back to the cave.

'She really is I can't wait to speak to her and go on dates with her.' Gabriel said as he walked inside the cave.

'And mark her.' I said with a little sigh.

''yeah but remember James it isn't all about marking what if she doesn't want to be marked?' Gabriel asked as he let me have control back.

I grabbed the clothes that are always kept at the front door from my named locker and put them on.

'Yeah I know Gabriel but I can't help it she's just so perfect and we haven't even spoken to her yet I'm going crazy knowing that we have a mate and I can't talk to her because I don't want to scare her.' I said unlocking my bedroom.

"Hey handsome." I closed my eyes hoping it would go away.

I turned around and to my disappointment it wasn't my imagination, Gracie one of the pack members was sat on my bed butt ass naked.

"Gracie get out." I said fed up while sitting at my desk ready to continue the research on my windego task.

"Oh but baby you used to love fucking me." Gracie said making anger flood my body. Oh hell no.

Gracie is one of the pack members and once I got a book down for her from a tall shelf in the library and ever since she's tried to fuck me. I haven't even had sex yet what makes her think I want to have it with her?

"Gracie fucking leave please for both our sakes just go back to your mate." Oh yeah and Gracie is mated which makes it all the times worse.

"He doesn't look as good as you though." She said trying to grab my collar of my T-shirt to kiss me.

"FUCKING STOP GRACIE IT HASN'T HAPPENED BEFORE WHY DO YOU THINK ITS GOING TO HAPPEN NOW?" I shouted as I fixed my collar and grabbed her clothes off MY bedroom floor and threw them out making her cry and leave the room naked.

'Mate would never act like that.' Gabriel said in my head.

'How do you know she wouldn't?'  I asked back as I sat down on the edge of my bed.

'Because I just have a feeling that she just has a heart of gold and would never try it on someone even if they say no.' Gabriel replied.

My thoughts soon drifted to that small brown eyed brunette. How beautiful she was. Her tattoos that I saw today on her body were beyond beautiful and her hair looks so soft, her skin looks even softer. I bet she has the sweetest voice ever.

Fuck I've fallen for a girl I don't even know.



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