Chapter Thirty Eight

Start from the beginning

"I got tired of everyone trying to befriend me just so they could romance me, so I told my father to announce that rule to the public and any visitors to the Castle."

The boy just stood there, staring at him. Aiden shuffled his feet nervously, he'd never felt so exposed under someone's gaze.

It felt like he was naked and Sora was looking him up and down with judgement. Although that was far from the truth since Sora's eyes never left the older boy's face and he definitely had clothes on.

Finally Sora looked away from the Prince in favour of staring at a bookshelf, Aiden nearly sighed with relief, until he started talking.


The Prince frowned.

"Why.. did I make the rule..?"

Sora shook his head, putting his baby blue eyes back on Aiden.

"W-Why flirt w-with me..?"

The Prince straightened up a little, noticing the loss of Sora's fear.

"I would think that it would be obvious. I like you."

Sora looked down, shutting his eyes as a shivered ran up his whole body.


"Well.. I like that you're smart."

The boy shivered again, peaking through his eyelashes to watch Aiden as he spoke, making the Prince even more nervous.

"You're nice, always so polite to everyone that it astounds me sometimes. Even when they don't deserve it; You're respectful."

Aiden noted, remembering the time a guard ran straight into Sora on his way into the courtyard and the boy just apologized, even though it wasn't his fault, the guard didn't even respond and just pushed past him and left.

"You make me laugh too. I love it when you tell me all the random facts you've learned, it makes me happy."

The boy bit his lip, wiping the tears from his cheeks.

"The way you smile when you get something right, or how your eyes look like the sky. It makes my heart race. I've never been as happy as I am when you're with me."

The boys face was the reddest he'd ever seen, his hair backlit from the window making it appear golden, like one of the roses sprinkled in the garden, or a ruby on a gold pendant. Aiden was so captivated by the younger boy that he almost didn't register what Sora said next.

"S-So.. what n-now..?"

"Ah, uhm.. w-well, are you okay with this..?"

Sora's eyes drifted downward before resting at the bottom corner of the nearest bookshelf, his bottom lip was snagged between his teeth and Aiden had to remind himself for the umpteenth time that staring would make the boy uncomfortable.

"Am i.. okay with you l-liking me?"


Sora didn't say anything for a moment, but after a few seconds he nodded, albeit slowly.

"W-Would you be interested in accompanying me on a tryst?"

Aiden had never been so nervous before, it felt as if his heart would leap right out of his chest to coddle the boy and beg for his affection. That nervousness only grew when Sora didn't immediately answer.

He looked up and simply watched the Prince's face for a few seconds, then finally spoke.

"W-Will it not be a-a problem with His, Majesty i-if I were to a-accept..?"

Aiden shook his head reverently, but not caring what his father thinks.

"It will be no problem at all..!"

The boy pursed his lips, suppressing the tiny smile he wanted to release in case Aiden was faking it.

"T-Then.. I would be happy to accept."


Finally, Sora smiled after seeing the Prince's genuine joy, the older boy nearly jumping from his spot on the wooden floor as he darted forward to wrap his arms around the younger's waist, pulling him into a tight hug.

Sora allowed himself to be held and wrapped his arms around the Prince's waist, resting his head against Aiden's chest. He was shocked to hear how fast the older boy's heart was beating,

Almost as fast as his.

Almost as fast as his

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