Despite all her worries, despite her concerns with Finnian, she knew this was going to happen. There was no backing out now.

Maria and Ariana cleared the room of other women, until only they and Elysia remained. They sat her down and talked with her, both getting emotional. Elysia wished she could remember their words, recall what they said. But she was numb. Her mind felt far away as the words passed through her.

She parted reality for so long, she didn't even realize she had walked to the outer doors of the chapel. She was led to a small, private room, to wait for the ceremony to begin. No one was supposed to see her until it was time. King Alan would be in soon to walk her down the aisle.

None of this registered to her. She was gone, vacant. Her mind was elsewhere, her body simply going through the motions.

The thing that finally brought her back to reality, was Shade slipping into the room, closing the door behind him quietly. He approached her slowly, his eyes taking her in. When she looked at him, the world felt real again. He was who she wanted to walk down the aisle to. Shade was the man she wanted to grow old with.

At last, Elysia blinked back to life, realizing what was happening.

"I can't do this," she let out a shaky breath, her legs getting heavy.

Shade took hold of her hands, guiding her to a chair. "I've been feeling the same way," he admitted darkly.

Suddenly, fear coursed through her. "You aren't going to leave me, are you?" Was he realizing what the rest of his life would entail? Being stuck next to a woman he loved, a woman he could never have, for the rest of his life? What was the point anymore?

"Elysia," he grabbed her face in both hands, willing her to calm down. "I am never going to leave you. Get that in your head already."

Her entire body trembled. "You deserve better than this, Shade. You deserve happiness, to find love. I don't want you trapped in my service your entire life."

"I'm not trapped," he argued. "I could walk away any time I want. Who would stop me? I'm here for you, I've always been here for you."

She kissed him, but he pulled away.

"We can't do that anymore," he snapped. When he saw her expression, his eyes softened. "You're going to be married, Elysia. That means something."

"Not to me it doesn't," she grabbed his hand desperately. "We can still be together, in secret."

He closed his eyes, defeated. "Let's just get through one thing at a time."

The thought of him forever pulling away from her touch was too much. Would there be no more secret kisses behind bookshelves, or holding hands when Finnian wasn't looking? Without Shade beside her at night, she wouldn't be able to sleep. How many sleepless nights would she suffer through? 

She couldn't shake the look in Shade's eyes. It felt like their relationship was over, permanently altered. Nothing would make her happy if Shade pulled away from her after this. Just because she was getting married, didn't mean her heart no longer belonged to Shade. 

While she was certain he would continue to guard her, to protect her after the wedding, she worried he would pull away from her touch. That he would keep her faithful to her husband. He was too honorable a man to let her break her vows.  

The door opened, and King Alan stepped in. Elysia and Shade were standing apart, but it was still odd to walk in on them alone together. Her father frowned. "Everything alright?"

Shade nodded, his gaze lowered, his hood pulled up. "I was just going over some security details with the Princess."

King Alan nodded, though unconvinced. "I've let Finnian know you are to follow her to Susurrus."

"Thank you," Elysia said, stepping toward her father.

At the sight of her, King Alan's eyes welled with tears. His lower lip quivered as he took in the image of his daughter. "You look beautiful."

Elysia fought back tears. This was all for him. "Thank you daddy."

He addressed Shade once more. "Could I have a moment alone with her?"

Shade stepped out obediently, leaving Elysia alone with her father. He motioned for her to sit with him.

"Believe it or not, I never wanted this for you," he said. "Naturally I wanted you to stay my little girl forever, but since I knew you would inevitably grow up and start a family, I hoped you would marry for love, as I had. I thought with all my power as king I could manage that for you. I could provide you an opportunity to marry someone you truly loved."

He took a shaky breath in, a tear slipping down his cheek. "My biggest regret in life will always be knowing I failed you in that regard. I have failed you in many ways, Elysia, but I never wanted an arranged marriage for you. I never wanted to rely on your sacrifice for our kingdom."

She placed her hand on his. So he knew her feelings for Finnian were false? Somehow that comforted her, knowing her father understood the gravity of her sacrifice. 

Despite all of that, she needed him to know there was no bitterness between them. "We have to make sacrifices for the people we love," Elysia said. 

It was true, she loved her kingdom. But more than that, she loved her father. If marrying Finnian was going to give him what he needed for this war, then she would find the courage to do it. Already, her resolve was growing.

King Alan was her reason for persevering through this alliance. While she loved her kingdom, and wanted to keep it safe, she wanted to please her father more than anything else. Even if it meant giving up her own desires.

Elysia had never seen her father blubber. But in that moment, he was a complete mess. He hugged her for a long time, until they both calmed down, their breaths returning to normal. He extended a handkerchief to her and she to him.

Together, they wiped their tears away, and found the strength to move forward. She took hold of her father's arm, lacing her elbow with his. He gave a knock on the door, signaling for the guards on the other side to open it.

Then, together, they walked down the aisle, toward the unknown.

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