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Jay just chuckled, rolling his eyes as he rocked Y/N and him back and forth. 

☾. ↳ COLE

"AND FOR MY NEXT TRICK!!" A drunk Y/N shouts from the top of their house roof, holding a plate with more stacked behind them. "WATCH ME MAKE THIS STINKIN' PLATE DIASSPER!!" They laughed, throwing the plate to the ground, and watching it shatter into a million pieces. 

"Y/N" Zane cried out, "That was the great china." He mummers softly as Kai and Cole stood beside him. "That's seriously what you're worried about?" Kai asked with an 'are-you-serious' tone.

"Uh- BABE!? I-I THINK YOU SHOULD- COME DOWN NOW!!" Cole yelled out to his partner, cringing as they threw yet another plate to the cement. 

Y/N had just ended their 19th birthday party, and both them and Jay got drunk. Nya took Jay back to the Monastery while Zane, Kai, and Cole stayed behind to try and get Y/N down.

"Yeah, I don't think that's working," Kai spoke the obvious, causing cole to glare at him.

"Oh, do you have a better idea? Please, do tell." 

Kai smirks, noticing Y/N's phone on the sunchair by the pool a few feet away. He grabs it and waves it in the air. "HEY Y/N!" Kai calls out, getting their attention. He grins as he hovers the phone over the eat and Y/N soon started to cry. "NAHO KAI!" They leaned forward and lost balance, plummeting to the floor but luckily Cole caught them and they started to sob.

"Myheh phowbne!" 

Cole glared at the red ninja who walked behind him and tossed him Y/N's phone. "Here you go, baby." He spoke, handing you your phone.

"Your welcome," Kai grins, walking away with Zane. Cole held you bridal style as he walked back inside your house and into their room. Placing you on their bed, causing them to fall asleep almost immediately.

He chuckles a little, giving their nose a quick kiss before leaving.

☾. ↳ ZANE

"This is now the fifth time they've thrown up, Jay. Are you sure they are not sick?" Zane asked his blue friend who stood outside of the bathroom with Zane, waiting for Y/N to cease their vomiting. 

"Have you not seen how drunk they were, Zane? If they were sick they would have not jumped from the roof and into the pool but missed and landed in a bush." Jay laughs at the end, but when he notices Zane's glare he turns the laughter into coughs. 

"Zaaaannnee!!" Y/N sobs from the bathroom, "Y/N. May I come in?" He asked before opening the door moments later. Both he and Jay peek their head in the door view, seeing Y/N on the floor holding their face. The toilet was filled with green vomit, causing Kjay to shiver and close the lid.

"Love, are you alright?" Zane asked, walking in and hovering above Y/N.

"Mehp face huwrts!" They cried, rolling back to show Zane their face. It was bruised a little bit and small cuts began to form on their forehead and cheek. "You did take a pretty nasty fall." Jay explained, sneaking past the two openings in the sink cupboard and taking out a  First Aid-Kit. 

"I believe that's enough drinking for you, Y/N." Zane said, taking some hydrogen peroxide and cleaning Y/N's bush wounds. Gently put on the bandaids after. 

"I mean- the fall was kinda funny. Like the way you fell was just-"

"Jay, you have three point four seconds to leave."

Already gone."

☾. ↳ LLOYD   (Y/BF/N = your best friends name)

"Hey, PIXAL?" Lloyd asked, walking towards the Nindroid that was sitting on Y/N's living room couch. "Good evening, Lloyd. Do you need something?" She questioned, watching as he looked around like he was looking for someone. "Or someone?"

"Huh- oh. I was wondering if you knew where Y/N was. I looked everywhere for them." Lloyd replied, hands on his hips as he kept looking around.

"Hmm. I believe I saw them enter the kitchen with Kai and Cole. I was unsure why, but they kept chanting 'Jug, Jug, Jug' over and over.

Uh oh

"Aw jeez- Th-Thanks, PIX!" Lloyd sprints towards the kitchen to see Y/N, Kai, cole, and Y/N's best friend huddled together around the kitchen floor.

"Y/N-" Lloyd called out, pushing past Kai and Cole seeing them on the floor sobbing. "What happened?!" Lloyd cried, obviously panicking but cole held him back. "Y/N fell backward on the table. We told them not to, but they were too drunk to listen."

"And who's fault is that?" Y/BF/N butts in, giving Cole a look, "Oh don't put this all out on me. Kai was the one who started it!"

"Hey, hey, hey! First of all, it wasn't any of our fault. Y/N wanted to try a drink for the first time and me being them friend I granted them that wish but giving them a shot of wine." Kai protests over Y/N's cries

 Lloyd rolled his eyes, kneeling down towards Y/N's body, checking the back of their head and back for any cuts or bruises. Luckily nothing too serious was found, just a small bruise on their shoulder. 

"Y/N, are you okay?" Lloyd questioned, "Lloyyyydieee!!" They whined, rolling over and grabbing the bond's shirt. 

"I think they'll be okay. Who wants another shot?"


"I can see I'm not wanted here. SKYYY! WANT A GLASS OF WINE?!"

☾. ↳ NYA

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-"

Nya overheard the guys count up from 1 all the way from her bedroom in the Monastery as she was trying to watch some TV in her room, but was rudely interrupted by that. She rolls her eyes, getting up from her bed and making her way through the halls of the home and towards the kitchen. 

"7, 8, 9 , 10!"

When Nya entered the kitchen the guys suddenly cheered watching Y/N drink more shot glasses the Kai. Kai face-planted to the table while Y/N stood up like a wrestler, smashing the table with her fist.

"DO YOU GUYS MIND?" Nya shouts, causing everyone to jump and look at her. Well, Kai and Y/N were pretty much drunk at this point. "What the fuck are you guys doing?-"

"NYAAAA!!" Y/N cheered, jumping into their girlfriend's arms causing her to catch them. 

"Ew, Y/N. You smell like you walked straight out of a bar-" Nya paused, looking at the single wine bottle on the table and her passed-out brother on the table.

She gave everybody a 'are-ypu'serious' look as they chuckled nervously. 

"In my defense, I did try to stop them, Nya." Zane spoke up.

"Hey, hey! In your defense? What about mine?" Jay argued, "Oh you think you're innocent. You're the one who bought the wine!" Cole butts in.

"It wasn't for Y/Nand Kai to getdsrunk. It was for meee!!"

"Why were you wanting to get yourself drunk?"

"No, I just needed the bottle for a new machine I'm working on, but I didn't want to waste the wine so I wanted to see if Kai would drink the wine. You can't blame me!"

"Uh, yeah we can. You're, again, the one who bought it. 

Nya rolled her eyes, leaving the guys to argue as she carried you to her room, placing you on her bed.

"That's enough wine for you, baby." She whispered, taking the glass out of your hand and placing it on her dresser as Y/N whined. 

"You tired?" She asked, stroking Y/N's hair as they shake their head no. "Me? Twired? Pft!" 

Nya chuckles before unpausing her show, "Then just stay in bed and -" Looking back at her partner, Y/N passed out on her sheets. Nya rolled her eyes playfully before giving them a quick kiss to the cheek.

"Sleep well, babe. You and I will both need it." 

𝙈𝙄 𝘼𝙈𝙊𝙍 | various!ninjago x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin