"They're both up dealing with some hostages, don't worry, they're fine." They said, motioning to the balcony.
Instead of pressing any further on the subject, you decided to go ask Ekko yourself about what the hell was going on.
You walked up the steps rather harshly, speeding up when the door was clear into view.

Just as you were about to approach, Scar came out and shut the door quickly behind him.
"Don't. It's best if you stay out here."
You raised a brow.
"What on earth do you mean it's best if I stay out here? First you all leave without me, then when you return I hear something about hostages-"

He interrupted you by grabbing your arm, dragging you away from the room.
"Hey! Let me go Scar or I swear to god I will do unspeakable acts."
You muttered, attempting to writhe out of his grip.
But he was too strong, and he had managed to drag you all the way down the stairs.
"Just trust me on this. You're gonna need to prepare yourself for what's about to happen."
He stated, a serious look on his face.

"What?! Prepare myself for what, what's gonna happen?! You're being awfully suspicious-"
Though right when you were about to continue on asking your series of questions, the door opened yet again.
Out came Ekko, and it was apparent that he left the door open for someone else.

And when she walked out, your heart seemed to stop. Scratch that, the whole world seemed to stop.
She seemed to look around, before her eyes landed on you.
Oh those pretty eyes of hers, it was always amazing how they made you get lost in them.
But never in your life did you think you'd see them again.
To see her again.
You'd thought that you'd only be able to see her when your time was due, when you were no longer a part of the living.
That you'd see her in a never-ending dream, one that was sweet, and fulfilling; unlike any nightmare you'd have.

You didn't feel your feet taking you to her, only your soul tugging you along to go find its other half.
She got closer too, walking rapidly before sprinting.
It was like heaven when the two of you enveloped one another, and tears spilled never-endlessly from your vision.
You hugged her tightly, held her so close, hoping she'd never slip away from you again.

And when it seemed right, you both parted, eager to look one another in the face after so long.
It had been so long since you had seen your Vi, your Pinky.
She placed her hands at the side of your face, and smiled as tears continued to spill.
"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you." She whispered, eyes shining with fresh tears and adoration.
You breathed out a laugh, wiping away the fresh tears, even though new ones replaced them right away.

"God I missed you so much Vi." You mumbled, wrapping your arms around her again, because you would never have enough of it.
She did the same, placing her hand over your head.
It felt like closure, it was closure after having been so many years without seeing each other.
"I missed you too, more than you could ever imagine."
"I thought you died. How are you even here right now? Is this a dream? Because hell, it sure feels like one." You rambled.

You could hear the buzz of the chuckle emitted
from her chest.
"I could say the same."
The both of you stepped away after what felt like enough time, wanting to see the other fully. To be able to take in every detail, every detail that differed from the time that was seven years ago.
Her thumb trailed along your scar, and even then, you couldn't tear your eyes from hers as they took in the new addition to your face.

You gently grabbed her calloused hand, never tearing your eyes from her.
"I may look different, but I'm the same girl you met all those years ago."
She smiled, and it warmed your heart to see a sight you'd swore you'd never see again.
"I know. Nothing could ever change the way I feel."

You simply looked at her with a smile on your face, taking in how pretty she looked with the new accessory on her cheekbone, and her different hair that seemingly framed her face perfectly. Her nose ring shined in the bright light, and you smiled at how badass she turned out to be.
She always was a sight for sore eyes, but now that you'd both grown older, and after having been torn apart for so long, you found her more gorgeous than ever.
You looked over to Ekko, who had a small smirk on his face.
You wanted to thank him in so many ways, wanted to forever show your gratitude to him for bringing her back.

Until you heard a very familiar voice.
"Monny? Who is that?"
You turned, still holding onto Vi's bandaged hand.
You could only chuckle, wiping your tears away.
Vi's eyes widened, and her heart almost stopped at the possibility that you had a kid with another.
You shook your head.
"Vi, this is Bex; my adopted daughter. Don't worry."
You said as you whispered the last part.

She exhaled, laughing a little when she realized.
Bex still looked confused, and only then did you realize that you never answered her question.
Right when you were about to do so, Vi stepped in.
"I'm Violet, but people call me Vi." She said with a rather wholesome look on her face.
You could see Bex's little eyes widen.
"You're Vi?! Monny told me about you. She says you're her girlfriend. Is that true?"

"Yes, that's very true. What else did she say about me?" She asked, kneeling so that she'd be at Bex's level.
Bex sneakily went by her and whispered something in her ear.
Vi nodded, a big grin on her face.
"That's also true."
Bex giggled, peering curiously over you both.

"Since you're back, will you make monny extra happy?" She asked her last question, tilting her head.
"I hope so." She replied.
"Of course she will." You replied, meaning it very well.
"You have your answer there kiddo."
Bex nodded, surprising Vi when she gave her a quick hug. "Thank you for coming back." She exclaimed before parting and heading on over to play with her friends yet again.

Vi practically beamed.
"Monny huh?" She remarked, standing up to face you.
You laughed, shaking your head as her hand laced yours again.
"I was young when I decided to commit the time to take care of her, I still am. The title freaked me out, so 'monny' was better."
Vi could only roll her eyes sarcastically.
"Well, you seem like a great 'monny'; she's so much like you it's adorable. I just wish I could've been here, by your side this whole time."
She whispered, avoiding your gaze.

"You are now, and that's all that matters." You replied as you placed a warm hand on the side of her face, making her turn to you.
She seemed to melt into your touch, a light smile played on her lips yet again.
"And I'll make sure to never leave again."
You nodded.
It felt so nice to have her back, after thinking you had lost her for so many years.
Although you couldn't find your board today, you found something much, much, better.

           •. ゜★。・゜☆ .•

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