mess | tyl!Shouichi

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You stood in front of Shouichi's door, soft knocks could be heard as you waited patiently for a response. After a few seconds, you decided to knock again and waited for the door to open.

–but it didn't.

Familiar with the scene, you carefully twisted the knob and opened the door before you and entered the room, eyes wandering as you saw Shouichi's figure on his seat with headphones on – no wonder you weren't getting any response from all the knocking you did, as if that was something to be surprised of.

After entering the room, you closed the door before you and went with your way towards the technician. Your footsteps were light, even if the man in front of you couldn't hear them. Now standing behind him, you lean a little bit closer to him to take a peek at his work, which consists of the matters that Byakuran asked him to do days earlier.

Shouichi, now feeling someone's presence near him, curiously turned his head towards your direction and his eyes widened on how extremely close your face was near his – a few centimeters would his lips brush against your cheek.

Realizing this, he kicked the side of the table so that he could pull himself away from you for a few meters with his office chair. You were taken aback by the sudden gesture and shifted your attention towards Shoichi, now seeing his flustered reaction as his cheeks were dusted with heavy blush.

You blinked, confused from his actions as you looked at him, "Shouichi?" you called out to his name and straightened your posture, now clipping a piece of hair to your ear that fell when you leaned closer to the male earlier.

Shouichi was quiet, but his heart was loudly beating in his chest as he could feel his body tremble. All he could remember was the scene earlier, and the fact that he had a one-sided crush towards you didn't help as well.

"(Name)!" Shouichi said, calling your name as he didn't know that he raised his voice in reflex.

Your gaze is still at his flustered figure with confusion written in your face as you respond, "...yes?"

"Y-You surprised me!" he let out, trying to calm down his heart by gripping his shirt on his chest area and hunched his back, now feeling his stomach starting to ache.

Shouichi complained about the pain by letting out noises, and you rushed at him with worry laced in your voice, "I didn't mean to surprise you like that!" you said, both hands on his shoulders as you crouched, trying to take a look on his face, "I'm so sorry, Shouichi."

You saw how much pain he was in when you looked at Shouichi's face. Guilty, you stood up and panickingly said something about getting some medicine and quickly went on your way, Shouichi couldn't respond from your sudden outburst, but looked towards your direction when he heard your footsteps getting away from him.

He blinked, sweat forming under his bangs as he clutched his stomach as an attempt to ease the pain. Shouichi was so anxious and flustered that his stomach ache appeared. He wasn't expecting your arrival, and the fact that you were so close to him earlier was so surprising that he reflexively pushed himself away from you.

Shouichi wasn't sure why you were here in the first place, but it might have something to do with Byakuran's orders, although that's a matter that the Cervello would do and you have your own job as one of the Six Funeral Wreaths. It might be some work related matters that you needed his opinions on, or maybe something else?

Remembering his actions earlier made him internally cringe – why the hell did he kick the side of the table just to make his chair – or he, himself – automatically get away from you? That was really uncalled for! This was the first time that this happened, as you would usually knock on his door first before entering and announce your arrival. Now that he remembered, he was wearing headphones. That was definitely an error on his part.

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