Tim hugged Lily tightly to comfort her.

"Timmy I'm scared." She whimpered.

"It's alright sis, he's just another dumb bad guy, we'll take him down." Dick tried to reassure her.

Later that evening, it was time for Batman to go out stop this threat to Gotham, but before he did, Lily grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Please don't go daddy." She begged softly. "This bad guy looks really mean."

"Sweetie, the police are a going need all the help they can get, you want everyone in Gotham to be safe don't you?"

"But I don't want you to get hurt!" Lily started to get emotional, Bruce had an idea.

"How about this? If you promise not to worry, then I promise I'll be right here when you wake up, hmm?" Lily thought it over.

"Pinky Promise?" She held out her pinky finger, Bruce smiled and did the same.

"Pinky Promise."

"Ok then." Lily smiled.

"That's my brave little girl." Bruce stroked her cheek. "Now off to sleep." Lily got into bed and snuggled with her plushies.

Bruce kissed her forehead and he got up.

"I love you daddy." He heard his daughter say, he turned.

"I love you too baby." He smiled warmly and left.

Lily hugged pig cow tightly and closed her eyes.

"Grandma... Grandpa... Jay-Jay, please watch over daddy and keep him safe." She whispered, then went to sleep, not knowing that one of those people were a lot closer than she thought.

{The Arkham Knight}

Batman came up from his hiding place and was barraged with bullets, luckily they all missed him, he looked up to where they were fired and saw the Arkham Knight coming at him fast, he knocked Batman to the ground with a powerful punch.

"No, no, no, no, no, you're not going anywhere old man." He kept Batman down with his foot and examined his armour. "Tri-weave titanium coated armour plating, nice. Unless you know exactly where to shoot." He shot in the armours weak spot, Batman groaned in pain.

"You're good Dark Knight, even better than I remember, it's gonna make it even more satisfying when I kill you. Oh and, don't worry about Barbara and Lily, I'll take better care of them than you ever did." The Arkham Knight remarked.

"Batman's in the control room, show him what happens when he messes with my city." He said over his com link and left the room.
"Turn around." Batman heard the Arkham Knight's voice, he saw him pointing a gun at him.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"You really have no idea, do you Bruce?" He lifted his helmet, revealing himself to be none other than the former Robin, Jason Todd.

"Jason..." Batman couldn't believe it. "But, you're dead."

"Let's not fall out here Bats, I might have told you a teeny, tiny little lie, but c'mon, look at the boy! You did good, we did good, you should be proud!" The hallucination of Joker said Batman.

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