"Awhhh you are so cute! I feel you though because I want to blow Jay away" I smiled.

"Ok let's go look and meet me back at my room once you find  something." Leia suggested and I quickly ran to my closet.

After flipping back and forth through the hangers I decided on a dark blue dress with lace detailing at the top.

I ran to Leia's room and held it up, "YEA! You're going to make Jay drop with that one." She giggled.

My cheeks turned pink and smiled at her.

She then showed me her option, it was a blue floral dress and I knew she'd look beautiful in it.

I nodded my head, "Gwen's going to fall at your feet after seeing you." I smiled.

We both put out outfits on our beds and got dressed for the day.


I WALKED to the basement with Leia and we were met with all our friends, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They shouted in unison.

I swear I've never smiled so big.

"Thank you guys." Leia and I spoke.

We all made our ways to the couch and sat down, of course I sat next to Jay.

"Happy birthday Luna." He whispered in my ear.

He gave me butterflies every time he did the action.

I turned my head and thanked him.

"We got you a little something." Gwen spoke aloud.

I faced Leia with a grin and she returned it.

Gwen then smiled while holding a brown paper bag.

"How'd you know our size!" Leia giggled.

"We got an extra large so we could enjoy it too!" Nikki spoke.

"Thanks you guys." I laughed.

"Is this chair too small?" Leia asked.

"Just give them their birthday cards!" Nikki told Nate.

"Inside cat! Outside cat!" He giggled.

"You spelt my name wrong?!" Nikki glared at Nate.

I looked over to Jay and he was already looking at me.

I began to laugh and he did too, until we were hysterically laughing.

I WAS putting on the final touches of my makeup beside Leia as we got ready for the party.

"You look amazing Leia." I smiled.

"So do you!" She smiled back.

"I can't wait to see Jays face when he sees you." Leia gushed.

I really appreciated her supporting the idea of us.

"Could say the same about Gwen." I sang.

We both began to giggle.

"Ready?" She sighed a little nervous.

"Yeah." I replied in the same tone.

We walked downstairs while our grandma filled us up with compliments.


My body jolted and I tried to get composure before opening the door.

It was Ozzie and Gwen.

"Hi Gwen!"

"Hi Ozzie!" I greeted.

"Hi Lu- woah." Gwen began before she looked at Leia.

"You look really hot." She spoke and Leia blushed before giving a thank you.

"Thanks for coming guys! Want a Soda?" I smiled.

"Yeah sure."


Gwen and Ozzie replied.

I went to the kitchen to grab 4 cokes.

I tried to hold them all without dropping one and so far I was doing pretty well.

"Hey guys I might need some help before I drop them all." I giggled before looking up.

"Woah." The sound of Jays voice made me blush.

"You look beautiful Luna." He continued.

I felt my knees grow weak.

"T-thanks." I whispered at my shoes.

"Here let me help you." He came over and held the cokes.

I couldn't help but sink into his eyes, they were just so mesmerizing.

"Uh I Ozzie, Gwen  here's your uh thing." I spoke while maintaining eye contact.

Ozzie then came over and grabbed the cokes and handed one to Gwen.


I jolted out of eye contact and stumbled to the door.

"Hi grandpa bob!" I smiled.

"You mean grandpa Tom Jones! I'm hear to sing you and Leia a birthday song on your birthday gift." 

"You're going to sing? In front of my friends? In that jacket? I'll be over here." I hid in the corner.

"I'd like to dedicate this song to my beautiful granddaughters!" He began.

"Close your eyes, make a wish, and blow out the candlelight."

"Oh God. This isn't a birthday song." I put my hands in my face.

"Hey it's ok. Wanna dance?" Jay asked while removing my hands from my eyes and into his grasp. He let one hand go and put his hand on my waist, I copied him.

"You really do look beautiful Luna." He spoke.

I blushed, "You don't look bad yourself." I smiled.

"Better than Swayze?" He smirked.

"That's a Stretch." I smiled.

He shook his head and spun me around.

Better than Swayze.

Hi guys! I hope you liked this chapter, it was kinda risky because I didn't add much from the show into the chapter, I didn't want to include the whole Serena thing. Thanks for reading :)

Mesmerizing   - Jay Kelso Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant