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(If you are a reader from before the huge construction, I decided to remove the ice skating chapter because I feel like it's not a pertinent piece to the story so yeah. If not, then ignore this x)

Ash and I walk out of the building and I let out a huge sigh of relief. It felt refreshing to meet new people who didn't know me or my background trauma. But I guess that will all end tonight. As we drive back to Ash's house in silence, I decide to break it. "My mum's court case is today," I grimace, avoiding his gaze. "Shit..." he holds his breath for a while and the rest of the drive continues in mute sorrowful anticipation. We sit facing the retro Tv, side by side on the ground in front of the floral couch.

My eyes were stuck on the screen and I sat there speechless. My body was so tense from the anxiety building up as the court case continued. The jury was still deliberating from all the testimonies and evidence presented to them. I mean, I don't blame them because I wouldn't know what to do either. "You okay, ma?" Ash asks reaching for my arm in hopes to comfort me. Defensively I pull my arm away from him and look at the boy with a worried frown on his face. "Sorry, force of habit," I mumble grabbing his arm and leaning my neck on his leg and head in his lap, whilst still staring at the TV playing ads.

The live cast of the court case came back to the screen making my body involuntarily tighten again. Ash starts massaging my forehead to relax me a bit but gets distracted and ends up braiding my braids and just playing with my hair. I didn't mind though, it was somewhat soothing. A lady from the jury stand looks to the judge for permission to speak then says, " We find Cindy McKay guilty on all charges." My breath spikes a little and my breathing becomes shallower. "Ny," Ash searches my eyes as if looking for a more definitive emotion. "Let's go to bed," I say pulling him to his bedroom.

- Next day -

I felt bad that I slept so well last night. Knowing that society deemed my mother crazy too and locked her away. But I couldn't help but feel awful for feeling so much relief and peace whilst she is behind bars. I realise Ash's arms were wrapped around my torso, I was so comfortable I hadn't even noticed.


u can have a max of 3 days off skl and b away from home then come back

luv u kid



luv u too homie

DaGreatestNeiece liked DaGreatestONCLE's message !

I put my phone back on charge and then turned to face Ash. "Are you gonna let me go anytime soon?" I say giggle after noticing he was awake. His facial expression instantly changes from a tired smile to a serious Ashtray. "I will kill you before I'll let you go. It's what you signed up for," he glares pulling me even closer to him. I sigh satisfied making him aware of how content I am with him at that very moment. "No school today?" He mumbles in the crook of my neck making me whimper ever so slightly, thankfully it was quiet enough that he didn't hear. "Nah I'm free for 3 days," I smile stretching. "So what do you wanna do?" He groaned, following suit of stretching. "You're working silly, I'll just come with," I smile staring at his hazel eyes.

We have some small talk for another 15 minutes before mutually agreeing it was time to get ready for the day. I looked through Ashtray's wardrobe for something I could pull off. I need to buy him more clothes at this point because I wear them more than he does. I walk into the kitchen after changing and see Faye in a tank top and underwear. "Are you not cold?" I ask in amazement. "No," she says, putting some orange juice away before me. "Injecting the heroin up my cunt makes it burn and sweat," she shrugs and walks past Ash who's walking towards me. "What were you talking about?" He looks at me funny, probably because my jaw is hanging. "Faye just said... actually you don't want to know let's go," I laugh, "But Faye go to the doctor's girl," I yell and run outside claiming I'm driving.

~ time skip ~

"Nyah you can't seriously be mad at me," Ashtray rolled his eyes bagging some new stock. I eye him the twist my chair away from him so my back is facing him. "I wanted to drive," I whine making sure he can't see my ugly pout. Always wondered if some girls have the power to pout and look good or it just looks good on a cartoon character and humans look dumb. "Yeah we-" We watch Cassie walk in looking very out of place but only mildly uncomfortable. "Can I get some molly?" she crosses her leg over the other not noticing I'm here. "That all?" I wonder if Ashtray notices the switch from bitchy teen to caring Ash. "Oh um, yeah," she smiles looking around then finally noticing me. "Oh hey Nyah," she smiles lightly and I smile back. As she leaves, Ash leans on his chair and I play a few rounds of candy crush. "Wanna play COD?"

Word count: 950

was kinda just a filler tbh, updates will now be slow bc school don't be waiting for anyone anymore. Like wdym government officials assess my work? but anyways slow updates from now on my loves <3

Obsession // AshtrayWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt