Chapter 5

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Just spoiling y'all with so many updates 💀

Ever since she had performed the surgery in the elevator Josie had been the talk of the hospital. People were amazed that an intern managed to do surgery with only an attending telling them what do to.

"Seriously Jo I have no idea how you did it," Maya said "I would've passed out."

"Well, Hope was there so it was easy" she shrugged "she was guiding me through the whole thing she practically did it herself."

"Except she didn't! you did, an intern! how are you not freaking out??"

"I honestly don't know... but all the attention isn't my thing" she glanced around and saw a few doctors staring at her.

"Parker" an unfamiliar-looking woman approached her. She was in a pants suit and had a doctor's white coat on.

Josie looked at the woman "hi...? I'm sorry who are you?"

The woman smiled "I thought you'd do a little more research on the woman that hired you. I'm Dr.Marshall, Chief of surgery."

"Oh! you're Dr.Marshall!"

"Glad to see you have met my mother," Hope said walking up to the three.

Wow, she must have had her very young the chief doesn't look a day over 25.

Hayley gave her daughter a small smile before turning back to Josie "it was impressive to hear you did a surgery on your own, and as an intern two months on the job no less."

"Oh, thanks..."

"I have many news outlets wanting to do a story on you and I think it's being good attention to the hospital if you did so."

"Yeah... I'm going to let you all talk" Maya said before running off.

"News?... oh I don't know..."

"All you'd have to do is recall everything you did, and my amazing daughter would of course be there with you if you chose to do it."

Hope nodded "mom let her think it over, deciding on the spot can be stressful," she said before kissing the woman on the cheek and gesturing for Josie to follow her.

"What are we doing today?" the brunette followed after her.

"You, my intern will be taking care of my post-ops, make sure my patients are well bandaged, and make sure nothing went wrong."

"So I'm going to be a nurse...?"

Hope smirked and looked at her "I wouldn't say that, plus nurses are cool and do a hell of a lot more than we do that's for sure."

"Okay true."

When they entered Hope's office she handed Josie a stack of files for the different patients she needed to check on "you will be handling 3 of my patients today, One is 5 years old the others are 28 and 57."

Josie nodded and sat on the auburnettes couch reading through the files.

"Do you think I should do it?" she said suddenly looking up at the cardiac doctor.

"Do what?"

"The news segment for your mother."

Hope sat in her office chair and unbuttoned her white coat "well, it would be good coverage for the hospital... people would most likely send in donations which would help us but on the other hand, you shouldn't have that pressure on you, so if you truly feel like you can't do it then I say don't."

Josie smiled "you always know what to say."

"Well, it is my job to reassure people" Hope smiled.

"You are doing so good can you just stay still for me sweetie?" Josie said as she cleaned the five-year-old wound that was cut along his chest.

"It hurts" he whined.

"I know little one but as soon as it gets better you can go home" she smiled and finished wiping down the little boy's wound and putting a long bandage on it.

"You did such a good job you know what you can have now?"

"What?" the boy looked up at her curiously as he slowly sat up.

She took a lollipop out of her shirt pocket and handed it to the boy who smiled brightly.

"Thank you doctor parker!"

"You're very welcome" she smiled at the boy before giving the parents a nod and exiting the room.

"You're good with children," Rebekah said as she signed something for one of the nurses.

"Yeah... I used to work at a daycare in college so I'm just naturally nurturing I guess."

"So have you thought about it?" Hayley said walking up to the intern.

"I did, and let's do this."

"That whole thing went horribly" Josie chuckled as she leaned her head back and drank a shot.

"Oh please don't belittle yourself it was not that bad," Hope said taking a sip of her beer.

Josie gave her a serious look.

"Okay other than you tripping over the stretcher I say everything went fine," Hope said and they both busted out into laughter.

The brunette stopped laughing and suddenly got said "God I'm going to be a disaster here aren't I?" Josie said.

"What? no of course not."

"I saved one person what if I can't do that again."

Hope put her hand on Josies "you are amazing okay? you were made for this trust me I would know."

Josie looked at the girl's hand resting on her own before looking up at the girl.

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