Chapter 1

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The symbiote must have escaped somehow. But... where is it? We cut back to Peter, as black goop slithers out of his bag and onto the ground.

The symbiote slowly inches its way toward him

Reaching and reaching, until it notices someone else...

Peter puts his hands in his pockets and feels something

A small piece of paper with writing scribbled on it

Jonah's favor he almost forgot

Peter figures if he's going to keep screwing up as Spider-Man, if he's going to keep ruining things for everybody, he might as well stay true to Peter Parker's word and fulfill that favor Do one thing right

Peter leaves, the symbiote has a different idea Parker betrayed it

It gave him power, gave him meaning... and he threw it away

The symbiote stays in the room, working its way up into the hospital bed...

Mac Gargan opens his eyes and takes a deep breath


Matt and Felicia in Fogwell's Gym, which is now destroyed

This place that was so important to Matt and his history is gone now.

And it's a change he has to embrace Embracing change, that's always a good one

The two of them start piecing things together. About Fisk, and what his plans really are

He never wanted the symbiote, he was just using it as a way to distract Tombstone from what he was really doing

This whole time, Fisk has been planting bombs on the city blocks surrounding Tombstone's office Buying up the properties, just to destroy them in a violent show of power

Tombstone would be in his office, and Fisk can finally make a move and be Kingpin once again Framing Lincoln for the destruction

It's a plan that's going to destroy so many lives and kill so many people unless they're able to put a stop to it

Peter knocks on the front door of the address JJ told him about. It opens, and he sees a woman

"Oh, good, you're here she says

Before Peter can reply, she grabs his hand and pulls him into the house

"He's in his room right now, I haven't told him about you or anything The lady says

Inside he sees walls and walls of merchandise, newspapers, and souvenirs. From his first appearance to rumors online, everything there is to collect about Spider-Man

A boy sits in the room, pinning another newspaper to the wall

Uh... are you... Johnny?"Peter says shyly

The Little boy looks over at Peter

Johnny turns back around and starts organizing his collection again

Peter pauses for a second Johnny is silent

Peter looks around the room

"This is, uh, quite the collection Peter says nervously

Johnny smiles as if the mere thought of Spider-Man raises his spirits

I know"Right? I have everything Johnny says excitedly

Every paper, every article, even stuff from his villains. Like, check this out Johnny says to Peter

Johnny opens a drawer and shows Peter one of the Shocker's vibration gauntlets.

"I got this from this really sketchy website and Mom got mad at me for using her credit card and said, it was something like "evidence," I don't know about that, but look at how cool it is!" Johnny says excitedly

"Isn't this... evidence?"Peter says curiously

Johnny continues to show Peter the rest of his collection

They talk about all the costumes, villains, other heroes, and everything they could possibly talk about with regard to Spider-Man

Johnny shows Peter the last newspaper

They say he went in to fight the Scorpion, and that he hurt him pretty bad But it was an accident, and he didn't have a choice Scorpion was going to hurt a lot of innocent people. And he... is that what he thinks he did wrong?"Johnny says scared

"I... I don't know Peter said with a shrug

" Peter is silent and He thinks about that night

He thinks about what it was like, to hold that pipe in his hand. All of that anger, all of that rage What he did Tears start to well in his eyes

"Johnny? Do you... do you forgive Spider-Man? Peter said sadly

For what he did do?" "Yeah.Of course. Spider-Man is the best. He just... made a mistake. But he's not a bad person for it or anything Johnny says hopefully

"... What would you say to Spider-Man... if he were here nowPeter says nervously to him

"I... I would want to give him a hug Johnny says happily

And tell him that he's just the greatest. And that I'm always going to love him, no matter what. He'll always be my favorite Johnny says hopefully

And I miss him. And I like his new suit way more than his old ones johnny says excitedly

" Johnny looks to see Peter, tears rolling down his face, but smiling.

"Uh... Are you ok?"Johnny says concerned for peter

"Yeah... yeah, sorry. You're just... you're a really smart kid Peter said shyly

Meanwhile Tombstone

You know that?"Lincoln says as he sits in his office, alone

He's failed and He's lost the symbiote, he's lost his money, his supporters. Everything's been taken from him

He's nothing now

That's when he hears a voice

"Long time no see, boss Mac says with an evil smile

Mac Gargan steps out of the shadows being completely healthy

"Gargan? You're awake?" Lincoln says surprised

"Oh, I'm more than awake" ***"We're better than ever."***Mac says with the symbiote

The monster grabs Tombstone by the throat

They say they should kill Tombstone for what he did

He used Gargan and left them to rot

But Tombstone, with his last ounce of breath, says that the two of them... three of them can make a deal. They all have something in common, after all...

Meanwhile Felicia and Matt

they make their way to downtown New York and They don't have much time before the bombs start going off, so they have to focus on evacuating and saving people as much as they can

Once everyone is safe, then they can focus on Kingpin and Tombstone

As this is happening, Fisk and Lincoln are in the office above the city

The two are calm, but cautious, as they sit at a table in front of each other


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