"Good, She's too young. I already agreed to 5 teenagers to be Junior Avengers or Avengers in training; whatever you people call it. You were fifteen when you started, had I known you'd been doing this since you were thirteen I would've agreed with Pepper's reaction to kill Stark." he replied, jabbing his finger towards the billionaire across from him, the other man shrugged, "I refuse to allow a thirteen year old to be on the team; she is way too young and it is dangerous work, especially for someone who doesn't have abilities or training like Belova and Bishop do. It would be dangerous for her to know your identity in any way. People, your enemies Peter, would use her to get to you, if they didn't know your identity they would use her to find out who you are and they would hurt her. It's better off she doesn't know anything."

"Yes sir, duly noted. I won't say anything." the teen replied as he looked over to the man in the suit who had been watching them speak. "Mr. Stark?"

"Yeah underoos?" the man replied.

"Who is he?" Peter asked, pointing to the man slightly, not wanting to seem rude, but his curiosity was eating him alive about who the man was.

"This is my lawyer, Mr. Layne." the billionaire replied calmly.

"Oh, what is he here for?"

"I'm being sued, kid."

"WHY?!" he asked, shocked at the news he just heard , he jerked his head over to the man.

"The Davis's want custody of your sister..." the billionaire replied calmly, trying not to worry the teenage boy too much.

Peter quickly jumped out of his seat, "No!" he yelled, grabbing onto the billionaire's sleeve; he looked like he was going to cry at the news.

Tony lifted his hand up to calm him, patting his arm softly, "I know kid, he's gonna fight it, she'll stay here till the court makes a decision, which should be in our favor considering who I am and what we know. I've been doing a bit of digging and they don't stand a chance." he replied.

"They'll hurt her if she goes back..." Peter replied, worried about his baby sister's wellbeing if they sent her back to that house.

"Don't worry kid, she's staying right here until further notice, I'm not going to let anything happen to her; I give you my word. You both are my responsibility, as you're foster father and your godfather, it's my job to what's best for both of you and I promise you kid, I'm going to do just that." he replied, pulling the teenager back down to the seat next to him, he was patting the boy's arms like he'd seen his wife do when he was stressed, he wasn't the best at physical affection other than head pats, shoulder pats and ruffling the boy's hair.

Mr. Layne spoke up, "Can you elaborate on your statement Mr. Parker?"

"Yes sir... her aunt and uncle, well they uh...they beat her," Peter said, trying his best not to tear up, "They didn't feed her much either, and...they were overall just really mean....they were awful."

"Really?" the lawyer, asked the brown-haired boy, his interest spiking as he sat up, leaning forward in his chair.

"Yeah, Penny is-is covered in cuts and bruises. I have pictures, but the ones she has are starting to fade, some of them are almost gone...I got pictures just in case we needed them."

"How do you know what they did? You can't assume or make accusations like this young man, it could be dangerous for you if your wrong about your accusation."

"She told me and Pietro. We've all seen the bruises too and Penny told him a little about it too....she flinches if you move to quickly too."

The lawyer gave Peter a small smile, "We have a good case. Mister Stark is looking into her old medical records for any signs of abuse because he's mentioned Miss Romanoff's suspicions as well as his own about the possibility of abuse. We'll need your statement." he said, trying his best to ease the teen's anxiety, he didn't work often with cases involving children but he'd been the lawyer for Tony Stark for almost fifteen years and would do anything, as long as it was legal, the man paid him to do when it came to legal cases,

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