"Luna, why don't you go try?" Gwen smirked.

"I uh no thanks?" I awkwardly replied.

"You want it to be Jay don't you?" Gwen's
smirk grew.

I knew I was blushing hard.

"Yeah." I sighed, "truth is he tried to kiss me last night but I got scared and dodged."

"Oh my god what?! You rejected Jay Kelso? That's so badass!" Gwen cheered.

"It's not Gwen! I really like him and I can't even kiss him." I put my hands over my face.

"It's ok Luna, it's Jay, he will try again." Gwen reassured.

" MAN I'm at the mall throwing myself at randos, meanwhile they're making out so much his lips revolted!" Leia spoke.

"What's wrong with me doesn't anyone wanna kiss these $2000 dollar teeth!" She sighed.

"What about you dodger?" Nikki teased turning to me.

"Not funny." I glared at her.

"Did you talk to him yet?" She asked.

"No I've been dreading it." I sighed.

"Go on just call him I'm sure he'd love to talk." She smiled.

"Ok, thanks Nik." I smiled back.

Everyone left and it was just Leia and I.



"I like Gwen." Her voice with a quiver.

My eyes grew.

"Oh? How long have you known?" I asked.

"She's the first girl I've ever had feelings for. I really like her, I don't want to screw it up." She sighed.

"Is she into girls?" I asked.

"She mentioned it once and it's all I've been thinking about." She smiled.

"You should totally talk to her about it! She will understand either way. Gwen's great she would never hurt you." I smiled.


"Im sure of it!"

"Thanks Luna." Leia Said while leaning in for a hug.

"So about Jay..." Leia giggled.

"STOP IT." I turned red.

"You should call him."

"I will." I sighed.

"Have fun!" Leia smiled while running up the stairs.

My finger trembled as I picked up the phone, I dialled each digit taking my time.

Ring ring ring

Ring ring ring

It was on the third round of rings and I didn't think he'd answer.

"Hello?" His voice raspy.

"Hi." I smiled into the greeting.


"Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout?"

"Yeah! Sure! Right now?"

"Yeah? If that's ok? Wanna come to the basement?"

"Yeah! I'll be there soon, later girl."

I placed the phone down and started to jump around. I know it was super lame and such dork behaviour but he just made me feel all giddy. I had to express it somehow.

I put on a zeppelin record and waited on the couch. I really liked the band, my dad introduced it to me.

NOT too many songs after, the door swung open revealing a smiling Jay.

He was so beautiful.

"Hey girl."

"Hi." I smiled.

He walked over and sat beside me. He didn't hesitate to put his arm around me and once again I sank into him.

"Can I ask you something?" His breath reached my ear.

"Yeah?" I replied with pink cheeks.

"Why'd you dodge?" He asked, a genuine soft tone.

"I got scared." I looked down at my shoes.

"But you didn't want to?" A hint of hope in his voice.

I turned my body to directly face him and smirked.

"Someone's really upset about this." I laughed.

I watched as Jays face turned red.

"What no why would you think that." He tried to defend himself.

I only laughed in return.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I smiled.

"Sure." He smiled.

I walked over to the bin of tapes and picked out the Karate Kid.

I shook the tape in his direction and his face grew a grin.

The evening was perfect. I was laying on Jays chest while watching one of the best movies made and I couldn't be happier.

I hope you liked the chapter! Thanks for reading! Don't be a ghost reader! Feel free to comment :)

Mesmerizing   - Jay Kelso Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin