Chapter XVIII: To your heart

Comincia dall'inizio

You: "We were offered this contract as well... first for a year then unlimited time and then... and if you're really good... it will be conditionless... that is judged of course by thd company you make that contract with."

Sylvia: "I see... well guys? What do you say?"

Blaze: "Go for it!"

Alissa: "I agree..."

Fredie: "Hold on a second... what will be the pay?"

Piblisher: "Hmm... 1 000 lien a song for the company and 5 000 for you..."

Sylvia: "Dad, mom..... how much money you get per song?"

Velvet: "We? Hmm... 50 000 plus monthly income... that's I think 75 000..."

Clementine: "What's this monthly income?"

You: "Get more popular and you'll get it as well... it scales from the popularity... more popular means you'll get more money... same goes for the reward per song."

Vixen: "Then where's the difference?"

Velvet: "Reward per song is obvious.... monthly income... once you get it you'll never get rid of it..."

Sylvia: "I see.."

Publisher: "So? Do you accept?"

Sylvia: "Yes..." She took a pen and signed it... the publisher stood up and shook hands with my daughter.

Publisher: "Congratulations Ms. Belladonna... you've signed the contract... now if you excuse me I'll be on my way to the company.." he bowed and left.

Harriet: "Whew... so much talking... but now everyone... time to celebrate your victory... to be honest I'm glad you won..."

You: "Did those guys make problem?"

Harriet: "Sometimes... but Neil took care of them on his own."

Velvet: "Where even is he?"

Harriet: "He had to go to Vacuo... as a volunteer to help people who got burried under the pile of sand after that huge sandstorm that was in the news."

You: "Really? How brave of him."

Harriet: "I know... he's too helpful... sometimes it makes me worried..."

You: "Why is that? You don't think he's-"

Harriet: "No... I know he wouldn't... but I'm afraid someone might use his kindness..."

Velvet: "Don't worry... Neil won't let that happen..."

Fredie: "Dad is... amazing... I agree with mom... I saw him help people too much... he might get into something shady..."

Harriet: "Yeah... on the other hand he knows when and who to help... if he finds the person suspicious he'll try to get away as fast as possible..."

Neo arrived with plates and on them were cheesecakes, cupcakes, ice creams and when she went back she returned with mugs of coffee or hot chocolate...

Neo: "Here it is guys! Enjoy!!!" She sat beside me and in front of her a plate with neapolitan ice cream...

You: "Some things never change huh Neo?"

Neo: "You know me." We dug in the desserts as well... they were really great... well what else did I expect from the best café in Vale... I'm not joking...

Harriet: "Neo, you should let me carry it..."

Neo: "I know... your shop and stuff... I couldn't help it... you deserve a break once in a while Harriet."

Memento Mori: Male Reader's Daughter x RWBYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora