Chapter XVI: No regret

Começar do início

Fredie: "Guys what are you doing here?"

Sylvia: "Oh no... since you are here Jimmy must be too..."

Fredie: "I left home... because after the song got published there was nothing to do."

Harriet: "Fredie dear... could you help me in the kitchen?"

Fredie: "Of course mom... oh by the way my full name is Frederica Anderson." She left to the kitchen.

Sylvia: "If she likes that guy... I'm feeling really sorry for her."

Clementine: "Yeah she doesn't need to have her heart crushed."

Vixen: "But she won't listen... just like Sylvia didn't when we were on that ship.

Sylvia: "Hey that was uncalled for!"

Blaze: "But the truth." I pouted... when our orders arrived Harriet sat right next to me with some kind of photo...

Harriet: "Here's the proof I know him. Look this here is me... and the one next to me is my husband Neil... then there's everyone from The Strict Phase...

I looked at the picture and recognized aunt Summer... but there was one girl I didn't know nor have I ever seen before.

Sylvia: "Who's that girl with two colored hair..."

Harriet: "Her name is Neo Politan... a former criminal working for Roman Torchwick... you don't know him... he got killed by grimm but after that Neo... left her criminal life... she volunteringly went to prison and now she owns an ice cream shop."

Alissa: "How do you know so much about her?"

Harriet: "Because she's delivering her ice creams to my shop..."

Clementine: "Really? But why is she on the picture?"

Harriet: "I don't know... I think... you'll have to ask Y/N... but I think she was his friend."

Blaze: "His friend? A criminal? Surely you're joking."

Harrier: "I'm not... they were friends... otherwise she wouldn't be on the picture..."

Fredie: "Hey mom... Neo's here with her delivery!"

Harriet: "Ah you can meet her actually." She left and after a while returned with Frederica and a girl from the picture... she was really petite... even I was taller than her... but... her body could make other girls jealous easily... she pulled out a sign.

Neo: "Hello! Harriet told me to meet you... I'm Neo Politan!"

Sylvia: "Hi Neo!"

Blaze: "Why the sign?"

Harrier: "She's mute... has been since she was a child... right?" Neo nodded and sat next to us.

Neo: "And you are?"

Alissa: "I'm Alissa! Nice to meet you."

Blaze: "Blaze..."

Clementine: "Hello Neo... I'm Clementine."

Vixen: "I'm Vixen." I looked at her.

Sylvia: "Jeez I completely forgot you're here!"

Vixen: "Yeah... sorry."

Neo: "And you are?"

Sylvia: "Sylvia..."

Harriet: "You know Y/N right? Belladonna?"

Neo: "Yes... owner of The Strict Phase and... my friend... why are you asking?"

Harriet: "Well... Sylvia here is his daughter." A sound of the sign falling on the ground was heard... Neo dropped it as her eyes widened...

Memento Mori: Male Reader's Daughter x RWBYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora