Chapter XV: Voice changer

Start from the beginning

Ruby: "Wait... already?"

You: "Someone has to look after my parents."

Ruby: "But isn't Blake doing that?"

Velvet: "She is but..." aunt Jimra returned home

Jimra: "It's our home... we wanna return."

Ruby: "Oh okay... I'll tell mom... say hi to Blake for me."

Velvet: "We will... don't worry."

Sylvia: "Alright... I'll go and say hi when you'll be leaving."

You: "Okay..." I left the house and returned to the shed... again... I sure go back and forth a lot today...

Clementine: "So? What did they say?"

Sylvia: "In three days... it'll look like a bandana... so that's that."

Blaze: "Really? That'll be amazing."

Vixen: "You said it."

Sylvia: "Also Vixen... our parents are leaving tomorrow."

Vixen: "They are? Wow that's been quick!"

Sylvia: "They said that they have to look after grandma.. and grandpa... and that they just wanna go home too."

Vixen: "I see... when are they leaving? The time I mean"

Sylvia: "I don't know... I haven't asked them."

Clementine: "Guys what should we do now? I mean we're waiting for that voice changer so... what should we do until then?"

Sylvia: "We'll wait I guess."

Blaze: "Great... because I was planning on taking Alissa out..."

Alissa: "Blaze! Saying that in front of everyone?!!"

Blaze: "What? They know."

Alissa: "But this should be private!"

Vixen: "She has a point Blaze..."

Alissa: "See? They agree..."

Sylvia: "You're going out huh?"

Alissa: "I guess I have no choice... why?"

Sylvia: "Can you do one thing for me?"

Blaze: "Sure what is it?"

Sylvia: "If by any chance you'll see Jimmy... give him a punch to his nose for me."

Vixen: "And a kick to his... ehm..." she pointed at her private parts... Blaze only grimaced at that knowing what she meant...

Blaze: "I'm not sure about that Vixen... but I can make Sylvia's wish come true... after all guys code... never kick other guys into their... you know..."

Alissa: "Doesn't work for girls so... I can do that..."

Sylvia: "I'll be much obliged... thank you..."

Blaze: "Okay... is that all? We can go Alissa?"

Alissa: "W-Wait you meant right now?!"

Blaze: "Uh yeah?"

Alissa: "B-But I'm not ready!"

Blaze: "You are... just look at you... a beautiful girl..."

Alissa: "B-Blaze..." Alissa's cheeks became red... Clementine pushed into Alissa's back

Clementine: "Alright get a room you two! We don't need to witness all of your lovey-doveyness!"

Sylvia: "Is that even a word?"

Memento Mori: Male Reader's Daughter x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now