Chapter X: Vale arrival

Start from the beginning

Ruby: "Or we can wait by the pier for them."

Sylvia: "Yes... we'll wait at the pier for you."

Vixen: "Right... see you later." She hung up and we got on the way to the pier.

Ruby: "How was your travel?"

Sylvia: "Well... it was interesting to say the least... we got a thief on board."

Ruby: "A thief? Really?"

Sylvia: "Yes... it was kinda hectic..." Not to mention my friends accused a completely innocent person.

Ruby: "Did they manage to catch them?"

Sylvia: "One of them yes..."

Ruby: "Wait one of them?"

Sylvia: "People said there were two."

Ruby: "And the one's still on the loose?"

Sylvia: "I guess so... I don't know what happened to the one they caught even."

We arrived to the pier, Vixen and othere waiting for us there already...

Sylvia: "Hey guys!"

Clementine: "Hi... so you are Ms.? Mrs.? Rose?"

Ruby: "Ms. so you guys are Sylvia's friends... well then follow me." We did so as she lead us towards a huge bridge

Alissa: "What's on the other side?"

Ruby: "Patch obviously... mom should be home..." we made steps on the bridge. "So... I heard you started a band from your mom, Sylvia... but they didn't tell me what was the band called."

Vixen: "Why didn't they?"

Ruby: "Said it will be a surprise if I'll ask you."

Blaze: "I see... well... it's Memento Mori.." just as he said that, Ruby's eyes widened and she stopped at her tracks...

Ruby: "No way... that band with two songs? But amazing ones at that?"

Sylvia: "Soon seven songs... before I met you we went to a song publishing company here in Vale... and we submitted another 5 songs..."

Ruby: 'I'm gonna listen to all of them, you can count on that."

Alissa: "Thank you for your support Ms. Rose... we appreciate it."

Ruby: "No problem..." we continued on the way... "So... any new songs coming up?"

Vixen: "Ms. Rose... that's prying."

Ruby: "Oh sorry..." She made... a puppy eyes? "Can you tell me now... pleeeasee~"

Blaze: "[How is she doing that?]"

Clementine: "[She isn't a faunus right?]"

Sylvia: "[I have no idea you two.]"

Vixen: "Well... boss? What do you think?"

At that moment Jimmy's face showed up in my mind as I started to feel my cheeks burning.

Sylvia: "Maybe..."

Alissa: "Oohh... what will be the genre... or how will it sound like?"

Ruby: "I have the same questions."

Sylvia: "Umm... l-l-love." My friends went wide eyed...

Friends: "LOVE?!!"

Clementine: "What brought that up."

Vixen: "Oh please don't tell me it's that thief." I glared at her this time... it was a little bit annoying to me already.

Sylvia: "He's not a thief and you know it!"

Memento Mori: Male Reader's Daughter x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now