Chapter VI: Parents to the rescue

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Publisher: "We don't have to do that... 30 seconds are enough... and I'm sorry but your daughter's song-"

You: "Hear it again." He rolled his eyes but did so... until the end this time... after all he knew too well who he's talking to.

Ex-teacher: "What's this monstrosity?"

You: "Velvet?" She slapped him again... to the point he had to spit out a tooth.

Publisher: "Alright I admit... the beginning is weak but then it gets real awesone... but what's that Memento Mori at the end?"

You: "The name you should publish it under."

Publisher: "I understand... please forgive my inconvenience... as a repayment I will automatically publish her next 3 songs... of course I'll listen to them but instead of rejecting I'll tell her what to improve... are we good?"

You: "Yes... also if you ban this wanna be teacher from the grounds of this company..."

Publisher: "Of course... consider it done..."

Velvet: "And you won't get near our daughter otherwise we'll go for a restraining order."

Ex-teacher: "Whatever." We stood up and left along with that teacher... who glared at Sylvia... but we lead him away... where the security took him out.

Alissa: "What did you do inside?"

You: "Oh we just made sure that song will get released."

Sylvia: "But I-"

Velvet: "You didn't want that?"

Sylvia: "Well I wanted... but... by myself."

You: "Sylvia, the publisher listened to it again and said he will publish it."

Vixen: "Because you were there."

Velvet: "No... if he found it was not publishable even after listening to the whole song we'd let it be and tell you... we went to that room because of what they said to Sylvia..."

Sylvia: "But if I went there again he'd refuse."

You: "Well... you don't try to fight back... so we made you a little push forward."

Clementine: "What if people won't like it?"

You: "Only time will tell Clementine... so... ready to go home?"

Sylvia: "I guess."

Vixen: "We should go too..."

Alissa: "Agreed..."

*Next day in school, Sylvia's POV*

I was sitting at my desk, Alissa as usual beside me... Clementine and Vixen joined us during the break.

The classroom doors bursted open.

Classmate: "Yo guys have you heard that new song? 'My Treasure'?" That piqued our interest... because it was our song.

Girl: "No..."

Guy: "Just listening to it."

Classmate: "Isn't it great?"

Guy: "I listen to a different genre but I guess you're right."

Girl: "Let me listen." Me, Clementine, Alissa and Vixen looked at each other and smiled.

Vixen: "Seems like a success."

Sylvia: "You said it." Thank you dad, mom...

Girl: "Oh my Oum it's so great!!! Who sang this?"

Memento Mori: Male Reader's Daughter x RWBYМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя