Min Genius sketches

"Min Genius sketches? Nice name mr Genius" I snicker as I watch him look at the book confused for a second before his face turns into embarrassment.

"Aish I forgot about this. Don't mind the name, Taehyung thought it would somehow fit perfectly for me, note the sarcasm" He chuckles amd I can't help but laugh with him.

"Honestly I made a joke once when we were playing games where nobody could figure out how to win or beat the next round not even Namjoon but they didn't know that I figured it out way earlier. It was just fun to see the chaos erupt from 6 people playing a game when one is extremely competitive and always wins and the other's want to try and beat him so I secretly used my knowledge and won and after I explained how I knew they dubbed that name on me. Fun fact is that I only knew because I read how it worked while they all just threw themselves into the game." He smiled as if he was reliving the memory as I smiled at how he looked so happy.

He must love them so much

"But anyway I'm sure you aren't interested in my silly stories so let's look at at the book" He reaches over and starts to open the book to further pages while I bite the inside of my cheek contemplating if I should say what my mind wants me to say.

Oh well let my overthinking brain become my overspeaking brain for once! Well if that makes sense...

"It's okay, I like hearing stories of you all. It's nice to know more about my friends even if it is about sharing cute stories of something like that" I think over at my words before giving him a small smile to which he looks surprised slightly before nodding and smiling as he turns his gaze back at his book.

"Thank you, same goes for you too. Don't worry about oversharing because we are friends and I would welcome any silly, happy sad and more stories from you anytime." He says in a warm tone before clearing his throat and pointing at a page.

"This is where it begins, these are all my new sketches for tattoo's" I hide my small smirk at the obvious way he chances topics to keep the conversation on that topic going so I gladly accept his topic change.

He is such a softie really..reminds me of a coconut looking hard on the outside but being soft on the inside or a marshmallow, those marshmallows that doesn't look soft from further away until you squish it and find out its extremely fluffy and soft and-

"Any opinions on it? I know you aren't a tattoo artist like that but I do value an honest opinion on a different type of view" I snap out of my thoughts as I finally pay attention to the sketches and my eyes widen at the sight.

Oh wow this guy surely is talented! These look so delicate yet stands out in a good way. It also gives that pretty look that some people like more.

"Wow it's all so pretty Yoongi! This is really amazing. I think the details are just so amazing especially since it looks like it is a small design." I respond with the only words I have to describe it which hopefully makes him know that it's really good.

"Thank you, I'm happy you like them. I was contemplating if they were good enough since I didn't have anyone to be my second opinion on it so I'm really thankful" Yoongi lets out a small laugh before he pushes the book more to my side making me look up slightly confused.

"Would you like to go through my other sketches? There are a few older ones and ones I tried to recreate from memory" He asks and I nod feeling excited to see more of it.

That is how we both spent more time looking through his and talking about the sketches and which ones were his favourite. I even pointed out the ones I liked most and I can happily say that I fully relaxed with Yoongi as we began casually talking about it and adding random things into the conversation. It was really fun but unfortunately the book came to an end as I flipped to the last page with rose sketches which drawed my attention.

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