Chapter II: Famous parents

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Clementine: "Oh I think I get it. Anyways you Vixen?"

Vixen: "Piano a little... and singing..."

Sylvia: "Pffft... your singing is the worst..."

Vixen: "Oh really? Then why don't you sing something then?"

Sylvia: "No music....and I don't wanna."

Clementine: "Chicken!"

Vixen: "Yeah!"

Sylvia: "Not fair!"

Alissa: "I can play a flute kind of well."

Clementine: "That's right... you should definitely hear her."

Vixen: "Do you have a flute here?"

Alissa: "No... not today."

Sylvia: "And when?"

Alissa: "Wednesdays... those are my practice days..."

Sylvia: "Can you play then on wednesday?"

Alissa: "Sure!"

Vixen: "And now you Clementine... do you play any instrument?"

Clementine: "I don't."

Alissa: "Liar!"

Clementine: "What do you mean Alissa? I don't play instruments."

Alissa: "You play piano like a pro."

Clementine: "What? When did I become a pro?"

Alissa: "I heard you play!"

Clementine: "When did that happen?"

Alissa: "Here in school..."

Others: "She's right Clementine..."

Sylvia: "Wait... why are you lying then?"

Clementine: "Cause... well uhhh... I hoped I could play with The Strict Phase but... you're the owner's daughter..."

Sylvia: "Is that the reason? Well you'd have to ask dad not me."

Clementine: "But... nevermind it it's dumb..."

Vixen: "Okay? So... after lunch we have.... uhhh..."

Alissa: "Music lesson..."

Sylvia: "Oh no..."

Clementine: "What's wrong?"

Vixen: "That class is the reason she got bullied."

Alissa: "Wait seriously?"

Sylvia: "Obviously it was that class... being a daughter of the two members that are part of the best band ever is so diffucult... because everyone has high expectations from you when it comes to singing... well I can sing but... I don't do that much..."

Vixen: "You sing? I never heard you."

Sylvia: "I only sing when I'm alone..."

Alissa: "You're embarassed around others?" I nodded...

Sylvia: "I always get a voice crack around others... even dad and mom."

Clementine: "Your dad makes the lyrics right? What about you? Have you made some?"

Sylvia: "Lyrics? I don't know... I don't have that huge of a talent."

Vixen: "Come now... even your dad had to start from nothing."

Sylvia: "That's right... but he was playing since he was 8 years old and made his first lyrics after he met mom."

Alissa: "Since 8? You're joking."

Sylvia: "I thought you know... that it was trivial about him."

Clementine: "I listen to them a lot and read some info about them but this is new."

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch time... and we made our way to for me the worst class there ever could be...

We sat down at our desks, the teacher arrived so we stood up and immediately started singing... of course I got a voice crack because I was so nervous of others judging me... I stopped singing.

Teacher: "Belladonna? Is something the matter?"

Sylvia: "I just get a voice crack whenever I sing..." Here comes the mocking...

Teacher: "I see... you're being judged by others because of the family you're part of... alright... let's try it slowly."

Sylvia: "Slowly?"

Teacher: "Yes. You can sing whenever you want in my class... but you have to sing at least one song for the next week is that okay?"

Sylvia: "Absolutely." He's amazing teacher already!!!

???: "That's no fair why do cute girls have priviledges?"

Teacher: "Try having famous parents and people who judge you based on their doings... then you can talk."

Clementine: "Ha! Burned!"

???: "Shut it Evrett!"

Teacher: "Calm down everyone now let's continue with the class... and three, four..." they went back to singing... I tried too but it was too difficult.

Dad doesn't sing either but mom she's too awesome when it comes to singing... I have no chance to get to her heights.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed.

Memento Mori: Male Reader's Daughter x RWBYKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat