Chapter I: School troubles

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*Sylvia's POV (10 years old)*

Menagerie, a place where only faunus are welcomed and a few exceptions like my aunt Coco and uncles Yatsu and Fox...

It was a peaceful day, people yet again looking at me because after all I am a daughter of the owner of The Strict Phase, the most famous band in all of Remnant, even though I never really listened to their songs or when they made concerts I didn't go because of school... or rather the people in it.

I was right now walking to my next class and opposite me was some guy and a girl that was pinned to a wall

???: "Please let me be!"

Guy: "Tch... you're too friendly with that Sylvia Do-it-for-Fame Belladonna."

???: "I don't know what you have against her... she isn't going in her parent's step."

Guy: "Stop it Vixen... her parents are famous, she has whatever she wants..."

Vixen: "Just because you're poor doesn't mean she has to do it for fame or because of her parents." He slapped her.

Guy: "I'm not poor you hear?"

Sylvia: "LET HER BE!!!" The two of them looked around Vixen scared and that guy with a smirk.

Guy: "Or what? You gonna call your parents and tell them to sue me?"

Sylvia: "I could do that yes... but I'm not like that you know... it's not my fault I was born to the Belladonna family. Yes I admit my parents are rich but I don't care about that money."

Guy: "Then you don't mind giving it to me right? Be a friend Sylvia."

Sylvia: "And donate to the likes of you? Bullies? You can only wish!"

Guy: "You'll pay!" He charged at me but I dodged his attack and slapped him.

???: "Enough!" It was a voice of my least favourite teacher. He was always against me.

Teacher: "Sylvia Belladonna... you attacked your classmate... go to the principal's office!"

Vixen: "She didn't do anything! That bully charged at her!"

Buy: "I didn't do that."

Sylvia: "You know how it ends Vixen... don't worry about me."

Vixen: "But someone-"

Sylvia: "We can't do anything..."

Teacher: "I said something Belladonna! Do you want a detention?" I rolled my eyes and went to the office.

I arrived there and the principal looked at me.

Principal: "What did you do this time Sylvia?"

Sylvia: "Self-defence!"

Principal: "Liar... I'll call your parents!"

Sylvia: "Please do as you wish..." He did so and soon after the doors opened revealing my mom, Velvet Belladonna.

Velvet: "What's the problem?"

Principal: "Sylvia over there just attacked a classmate."

Velvet: "Sylvia?! Attack someone?" I saw Vixen behind her.

Vixen: "It's all a lie."

Mom sat on a chair and Vixen entered as well as we stood next to each other.

Principal: "You should go to your class Hilsner!"

Velvet: "How was it then?"

Vixen: "It was self-defense.."

Memento Mori: Male Reader's Daughter x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now