First day of school

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This week went by fast. Buying stuff we needed and painting rooms, it was exhausting. The Sunday before our first day of school, my mother offered me and my brothers to eat out in a restaurant. Of course we said yes. Florian was craving some tacos and Leo wanted nuggets. I was feeling for like eating sushi's. Since we all wanted something different, my dad proposed that we go to a buffet. It was a smart idea. We spent our last summer night eating all together, happy about our new start.

The next morning, I woke up at 6 o'clock. I took a shower, brushed my hair, and pick a skirt and a cute shirt. I wore my Doc Marten and littles bows in my hair. I ate some pancakes my dad had made and kissed goodbye everyone. I was out of the house at 8 o'clock. My goal was to get to school before 8h30 to familiarize myself with the layout. The walk wasn't that long. After 15 minutes I was already seeing the imposing door of the school entrance. It was a complete silence when I walked in. I got to my locker and put my stuff in it. I walked around, trying to find my classes. When I walk past the library, I saw someone. I walk in thinking that I can maybe make a friend before everyone starts arriving.

A small brunette girl with some rounds golden glasses was sitting down at one of the table. I walked towards her.

-Hi! I said. She jumped a little.

-Oh hey. I didn't see you coming. She answered in a small voice.

-Oh sorry, I must have scared you. My name is Jessica!

-Hi, I'm Katrina. Are you new?

-Yes! It's my first time in a school!

-What do you mean it's your first time? Katrina put down her book.

- Oh well, my family used tu live on a cabin cruiser and well I just never got the chance to stay at one place long enough to go to school.

-Oh, that's special.

-Yeah. What are you reading?

-Oh just some random book I found. It's called « le sommeil des loutres ».

-Tu parles français! (You speak French!)

-Oui, un peu. Je suis des cours. (Yes a little, I have classes)

-That's so cool!

Me and Katrina talked a little more until it was 9 o'clock. People started to arrived and slowly the corridors were full. Me and Katrina stayed together all day. I learned she had a big brother and her parents were divorced. We were exchanging our numbers at our lockers when a guy approach us.

- Hey, are you new here? He asked me.

-Yes I am! My name is Jessica, and you are?

- I'm Mat, short for Matthew. Hey I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party Friday night? It's at my house, you can come by 10.

- Hum yeah sure! I responded before he walked away.

- Oh my god what just happen. Katrina said.

-I don't know, I think I've just been ask out to a party!

- And not by anyone. Mat. Like, THE Mat.

-And what so special about him? I asked.

- Well nothing except the fact is the most popular guy here. Literally, every one crushes on him and Marcus.

- Marcus? Like Marcus Perry?

-Oh my god do you know him too?! Katrina almost screamed.

- Well, he's my neighbour.

- Oh my god everything about you is just so perfect.

-Haha... I laughed, a little embarrassed. My first ever party, this Friday. It's just so unbelievable. Katrina continued to talk about how special it was when a girl walked our way. She was a short brunette with some golden hoops earrings. She had very pretty blue eyes and wore some baggy jeans with a crop red shirt.

- Heyyy, I'm Josie. You're the girl who just move here aren't you?

-Hum well yes. Hi, I'm Jessica!

-Yeah well, me and my girls just saw Mat asked you out to his party and just for your information, him and me already have something going on. So don't get any ideas.

- Hum well yeah of course, sorry.

-Nah it's ok, just stay back. She replied before smiling and walking away.

I looked at Katrina, a little confuse. Why would this girl, Josie, think I want Mat? He literally just ask me to come at his party. It's not like I would be the only one there.

- First day and Josie already doesn't like you. You're really the thing Jess. Katrina said to me.

- I don't know what just happen but I didn't like it. Why did she sound so mean?

- That's because she is. She'll appeared kind to you at first but will laugh about you once you can't hear. I know it, she used to do it to me when I was her friend.

- You were friend with her?

-Yeah, two years ago. But I stopped when I saw her make out with my crush of the time.

- That's so sad, I'm sorry you had to go through that Kat.

- It's ok. I stayed alone a little while but I preferred it to being with her.

- But now you have me.

- Yeah! She replied with a large smile. I was so happy too that I was able to make a real good friend so fast.

When I went home that night, I texted Kat. We talked for hours before a little rock hit my window. I walk towards it and when I looked down, I saw Marcus. He pointed to his phone. I opened my window and yelled at him.

-I don't have your number!

-Oh shoot, that's right. Wait a second.

I don't know what I was expecting but certainly not him climbing the hives and coming into my room. From so close, I could clearly see the heigh difference.

- That's a cute room. He said.

-Hum thanks, but why are you here?

- I was thinking about you.

He was thing about me? Why?

- I heard Mat ask you to come to his party, he said. Are you going to go?

- I don't know yet. A girl, Josie, didn't seem to want to see me there.

- Don't worry about her. She just freaked out Mat would have move onto a prettier girl.

I think he just called me pretty. What the fuck is going on.

- So, are you gonna come or not?

- Hum well yes I guess.

- Nice. Before I leave, give me your phone.

- My phone?

- Yes.

I did what he asked me and he putted his number in it.

- Good girl. He said before climbing out of my room.

What the fuck.

The night we metDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora