chapter 3

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In khushi's room

Shyam: behave yourself when you are staying here Khushi, I wouldn't have you misbehave here do you understand?.

Khushi: so dad erm sorry Bhai how am supposed to behave with your wife? I don't accept this marriage of yours, mom would be hurt, and I won't forgive you if anything happens to my mother, oh and tell your wife not to get too close to me or I might flip on her  and blow our cover

Shyam: Khushi! she did nothing wrong okay it was my mother your grandma, she made me married her on her sick bed I had no choice.

Khushi: but you kept it from us dad, anytime mom wants you to visit you will use your job as an excuse, but I see you were busy playing family with your wife. Gosh I hate her already.

Shyam: KHUSHI!!! be careful with your choice of words, she is my wife and your stepmother too, and it will be better if you understand that soon, your mother understands the situation here, so please don't cause trouble or you wouldn't like what I will do to you young lady.

Khushi: ( frightening for seeing her father's anger for the first time)  I'm sorry dad I'm just scared that you will leave me because of her, please

Shyam: it okay baby don't cry, I'm sorry I raised my voice on you, and hey nobody can ever let me leave you, you are my everything okay come let's get you unpack.

After some time there was a knock on the door and Khushi was fast asleep

Shyam: come in

Anjali: it time for lunch shyamji let Khushiji come and join us

Shyam: she is still sleeping Ranisaheba go I will join you and later bring hers.

Anjali: okay ji

lunch went by smoothly and the day also went well

Later in the night

Khushi was busy sneaking out of the house ready to meet Rehan as they have plans of going to the club when she hit a wall, well soft one tho with fabric on "oh wait no it's someone"
She looked up and the most gorgeous man according to her and what she heard was " what the"

Arnav came back from his trip only to find someone sneaking around the living room and when he got closer he saw a beautiful goddess but being ASR he doesn't fall for these things

Arnav: who are you and what are you doing in my house?

Khushi: well hello to you too and I am Khushi Shyam's dau... uh sister ( she said in time to cover the slip up but luck for her Arnav was busy checking her out do)

Arnav: huh!

Khushi: I said I am Khushi Shyam's sister

Arnav: oh okay and where are you going to dressed like this?

Oh ho another one who behaves like my father

Khushi: erm I'm meeting a friend he is just outside I will come back soon after meeting him okay and please you did not see me going out is that clear?
For some reasons Arnav didn't like the Idea of her meeting another man that too dressed like she was going for a stripper class

Arnav: no you are not meeting anyone it's late and no one in Shantivan leaves the house at this time of the night.

Khushi: ugh who are you mister to tell me what to do you are not my father and I don't do rules okay bye

Arnav: well I guess your brother will be happy to see you sneaking out of the house in that.

Khushi: fine I'm not going okay please don't tell him he will kill me
She went back calling Rehan to cancel the appointment

Arnav: well that went well and I need to keep an eye on her from now onwards, wouldn't want her meeting random people do we? hey what are you thinking about Arnav why do you care if she meet random people you ASR and you don't have time for emotions. with that he went to his room and let just say his dreams was filled with the goddess he met some time ago.


Arnav: good morning everyone

All family: good morning beta/Arnavji/Bhai/chote/salesaheb.

Anjali: when did you arrive chote you didn't tell us you were coming

Arnav: last night di and it was a last minute decision

Anjali: okay and this is Khushiji she is shyamji's sister and will be staying with us for sometime, and Khushiji this is my brother Arnav

Khushi: nice to meet you ( pretending she haven't met him before)

Arnav: (with an amusement smile on his face) same here Khushi but I thought we've met  last night somewhere in the living room
Everyone looked at Arnav with a face saying how?

Khushi: erm no ah I remember I came down for water and met you but we didn't talk right? pleading him to agree.

Arnav: oh yes with that party....... erm forget it ( he stopped himself when she saw the scared look she sent at Shyam's direction)

Shyam: ( sensing something fishy he asked ) what party are you talking about Salesaheb?

Khushi: excuse me I.. uh not feeling well please, she was scared because her mother had told her about her father's anger and she didn't want to fall prey to it.

Shyam: sit down Khushi and have your food NOW! well explain what you just said Arnav

Arnav: (seeing that he has gone too far with his teasing put on a poker face and an ASR attitude to dismiss the conversation) you see with di's party on my mind I thought you hired someone to organize it when I saw her but I just got to know she is your sister

Both Shyam and Khushi sigh in relief
Shyam because he thought Khushi made trouble and Khushi because Arnav didn't exposed her to her dad

Arnav saw the relief on Khushi's face and was satisfied, but was still thinking why is Khushi afraid of Shyam?

Breakfast ended and everyone went on their own business

Nani: so Khushi betiya do you like this place so far? It's been a week since you came here

Khushi: yes Nani I like it here thanks for asking

Nani: No problem let me know if you need anything betiya.

Khushi: okay ji

In Shyam and Anjali's room

Shyam: I'm going to Mumbai for the case Ranisaheba it's for two weeks I will just be on time to celebrate your birthday with the family okay

Anjali: okay Shyamji

Shyam: and I'm taking Khushi with me she can be a handful and no one can control her

Anjali: let her stay with us she will be bored there okay, please Shyam let me take this opportunity to get to know her please.
Shyam: (well she is right) okay but call me if it gets out of hands I know how she can be.

Anjali: don't worry I will make sure it doesn't
Well Shyam wasn't sure to live Khushi but he has no choice

In Khushi's room

Shyam: I'm leaving now so behave yourself when I'm not here call me if you need anything okay

Khushi: okay, I will miss you dad

Shyam: me too bye and remember...

Khushi: no troubles I get you can go now I need to take a nap

Shyam left and Khushi gain some freedom back like going out to have fun for two weeks and she did bond with Anjali a little and did well with the family members too, in those two weeks she and Arnav because close like friends also.

Next chapter
Birthday troubles

jijaji's daughter Khushi Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu