
"Because I don't need them."

"Yes you do. Look what you did to Wooyoung the person you said you cared about. Listen Hwa, the medication is to control your anger and you know how dangerous your anger can get." Mingi points out in order to get his friend to understand.

Seonghwa huffed "I know... they're finished so go buy some for me."

"Hey asshole you can't order me around." Mingi chuckled and Seonghwa turned his head, giving his friend a wink before getting up from the couch "I'm hungry. Imma eat something while you go and find the medicines."

"Fuck you!" Mingi yells at Seonghwa who just disappeared to the kitchen and then gets off the couch to head out of the house.

Groaning for the hundredth time, Wooyoung manages to get his aching body up from the bed. He felt his bladder full so he needed to get to the bathroom. Letting his feet touch the cold floor, he stood up but winced when he felt his back stinging. "Fuck that crazy bastard" he cursed Seonghwa under his breath and started walking to the bathroom.

When his work was done with the bathroom, he got out and nearly tripped on the chain that found his way back on Wooyoung's ankle. He rolled his eyes and huffed as he went to the bed.

Getting himself seated on the soft sheets, he just looked at the wall blanky. For a few days now, gazing at the wall is what Wooyoung do. He just sit there and look at the bare white wall for hours. Mind empty.

It has been a few days since that horrible incident with Seonghwa and Wooyoung didn't seem to overcome the trauma that it caused yet. Whatever Seonghwa says, he does it immediately because of the fear of getting beaten up again. The nightmares are still there. More scarier and more worst.

His eyes was still glued to the wall when something popped up in his brain. Without a second thought, he moved his legs to the side and got up from the bed, making his way to the bathroom again. Once he entered the bathroom, his eyes locked with that little shelf that was beside the sink. With slow steps, he made his way towards the sink and then opened the shelf's door.

A twinkle of the shining blade hit his eye and he reached to pick it up mindlessly. Looking at it for a few good minutes, he rolled up his sleeves and placed the blade against the skin of his wrist. He could only hear one thing in his mind.

Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.

He pressed the blade further a bit against his wrist and watched as the red blood oozed out of the little spot that was cut. Suddenly Mingyu's face flashed infront of his eyes and he let go of the blade with a gasp. The blade hit the floor and he fell down on his knees. Tears poured down his cheeks as he looked at his wrist. The cut wasn't big it wasn't deep either but it broke his heart watching how it even crossed his mind to do something so stupid like hurting himself.

"Mingyu..." he broke down and sobbed, lowering his head on the floor of the bathroom "please... please be okay... please I want to go home!"

He was so busy with his heartbreaking crying that he didn't hear the door opening.

"Baby?" Seonghwa stood at the door, eyes wide at the sight infront of him. He saw a few little drops of blood on the floor as well as a blade. He ran to Wooyoung and grabbed his shoulders with a bit force and made him look at his face "what did you do?!" When Wooyoung chose to stay quiet and only cry, Seonghwa quickly grabbed his arms and his eyes widened more when he saw a little cut on Wooyoung's wrist.

He gasped "what the?"

"I want to go home please! Let me go home!" Wooyoung cried now grabbed the hem of Seonghwa's jacket, tightly. "Please!" He begged. Seonghwa clenched his jaw, he wouldn't lie if he said he was kinda hurt watching Wooyoung like this.

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