I can catch up to them.

She did not want to leave Link's side, but she could do nothing for him, and letting the Bulblins escape would only make things worse.

Get the stone, she told herself. The farmers can help Link.

Navi glanced back, meeting Link's frightened gaze. He didn't want to be alone, but Navi knew what she must do, and that knowledge cut her deeply. She had not been with her last Kokiri when he died.

I'm sorry, she thought. "Hang on, Link. I'll be back in a moment-"

Navi wasn't exactly sure what she was going to do. If the Bulblins were after the stone, then someone knew it was in Link's possession.

The Desert Man, Navi thought. How did he even know that Link had the stone?

A loud screech alerted Navi to the bird flying towards her. For a heart-stopping moment, Navi thought it was after her. Sometimes, she really wished she didn't resemble a glowing orb. It was a distinct disadvantage around hungry wildlife. Buffeted by the owl's enormous wings, she barely avoided its talons, and it wasn't until it flew past that Navi recognised the bird.

"Kaepora!" she yelled at the top of her lungs, shooting towards him. "They have the emerald!"

"I saw!" Kaepora shouted back.

He swooped down at the Wolfos first, raking his steel-like talons straight into the wretched beast's eyes. The animal howled pitifully as its vision went dark, leaving the sightless hound to stagger through the grass. The agonised cries of the Wolfos made the Bulblins turn around. With enraged shouts, they notched arrows to bows.

"Kaepora, look out!" Navi screamed.

She darted forward, flying low to the ground as the Bulblins took aim. Then, in one quick motion, she flew up into the face of one of the monsters. The beast flinched, and the shaft went wide. Enraged, the snarling beast aimed a furious backhand at Navi, but she deftly avoided it, flying beyond its reach.

Kaepora crashed straight into the second Bulblin, sending predator and prey sprawling into the grass. Having recovered from Navi's attempt to swat its eyes, the first Bulblin spun around to face the owl.

To the creature's dismay, Kaepora had its companion clutched within his claws. Kaepora released his hapless prey, sending it crashing straight into the other Bulblin. The two beasts tumbled and rolled down the hill with a stream of curses. As they did, a bright green object was knocked flying from their possession.

The emerald!

Navi dove towards it.

The Bulblins, having disentangled themselves from each other, were too busy focusing on Kaepora to notice Navi's glowing form. When one of the Bulblins finally noticed her, Navi's small hands were closing around the emerald. She grabbed it and rapidly took off.

"I have it," Navi yelled.

Kaepora screeched in reply, still occupied in his attempts to kill the Bulblin. The stone rescued, Navi's exhilaration vanished faster than a candle being extinguished.

Link was no longer lying on the ground; the farmer she'd met earlier was carrying his small limp form.

"Go to him, Navi. I will join you soon," Kaepora called as he circled around before making another dive.

A shout rose from the Bulblins as they spotted Navi and gave chase. They didn't get far. Kaepora's talons sunk straight into the eyes of one Bulblin, which let out a wail of pain. A villager put it out of its misery by slamming a shovel over its head. Another villager joined his comrade, and they quickly swung their crude weapons into the wounded Wolfos. Kaepora turned, veering around to attack the final Bulblin. Seeing the villagers closing in on it, Kaepora broke off his attack and swooped into the air. It was probably a good thing he did; several villagers pointed at him, no doubt contemplating if he was a threat.

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