Please read this first!

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If you visit my account, you will find certain authors' works on Drarry packed in my reading lists ( like @DorthyAnnDrarry or @drarrycuddles or @m-blackhart ) and it is quite evident that I read their books. They're good books.

That being said, it is inevitable that some of their writing style will rub off on me. You may/may not find similarities in ideas or references or common tropes. If it's their original idea, please know that full credit goes to them. However, I am NOT plagiarizing anything in any way. All of this, from scratch, is my effort.

None of the characters or original book/movie references or Wizarding World background belong to me. Cover and storyline are fully mine, though.

Credit for any information on Hogwarts curriculum goes to

Thank you!


P.S.: I often paint a picture in my mind where Harry is a powerful wizard, but Draco has polished his skills and trained and ends up on par with Harry, both physically and magically.

Harry's physical stats would lean more towards strength and speed due to his time in the forest, but Draco has all the advantage in flexibility, endurance and coordinative ability/agility (purely looking at somatotypes here).

Similarly, while Harry relies more on his raw power to cast spells and fight, Draco relies on his skill level in spells and has pushed forward to hone his non-verbal and wandless magic to perfection.

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