Tio Jean, Tia Aracelly, and Tia Estelle live in Puerto Rico they are bit farther out. Tio Jean got here first obviously after setting the table Tia Estelle showed up with soda and cups. Tia Aracelly was on her way already.

The rest of them were arriving around 6 ish it was already 5:20. My grandmas house has 5 rooms space was gonna be tight. When we all stayed here some stayed with tio Jean who was 10 minutes away, and over here.
Girls in one room.
Boys in one room.

All the couples in separate rooms away from other couples. We had an incident once with a Estelles ex tried to sleep with Celine. He thought it would be easy until Celine put him in the hospital with a broken nose. They say he doesn't breathe right anymore even after surgery.

I try to always stay in the same room as my tia Celine because she's gonna win. I always felt safe when we lived together, she was known for winning fights and causing damage.

Back to present time Tia Aracelly and Estelle had arrived my first set of cousins were rolling in. They were all younger than me, I think I was the third oldest of all the crew. Jayne is the oldest, Felix is the second oldest and Im the third oldest. We are all the unpaid babysitters of the family, the reason the younger cousins are well behaved. Im kidding obviously, discipline is big in this family.

We all were in the living room catching find about each others school achievements and work achievements. I was proud of my cousins they were doing amazing and school. They were jumping grades because they were very smsrt kids, she hit every Latinos treasured gold mine super smart kids to brag about.

"Y tú por qué no terminas el high-school más temprano. O no le entiendes.", Tia Estelle said.

"No quiero terminar temprano.", I answered.

She looked shocked.

"Estelle no hay que comparar a los niños, todos son diferentes. No se te olvide que ella perdió su mama, ahorita no es tiempo de juzgar o hacerla tomar más trabajo.", Jean Carlos spoke.
(Estelle there is no reason to compare the kods, everyone is diferent. Don't forget she lost her mom it is not time to judge or add more work.)

"Si Estelle no hay que juzgar mira nuestra familia hermosa, hay que hablar de otras cosas" Tia Aracelly added.
(Yeah Estelle no need to judge, look at our beautiful family, let's talk about other things.)

"Todos mis nietos son inteligentes y eso es lo que más me importa."
(All my grandkids are smart and that's what matters.)

I felt comforted that they stood up for me, I felt bad I was so blunt. I just didn't know what to say. It was a bit of tension before everyone else showed up. We were then greeting all of my New York family, I was going for big hugs. I missed them all.

"So what's the tea? Why tio Jean and tia celly look mad?", Jayne asked.

"Well tia Estelle went on bragging about her kids how they jumped a grade from 4th to 5th. Then she asked me why I wasn't finishing early. Oh the tios did their job, and so did abuela."

"Who does she think she is you can literally jump it just by showing you don't pick your nose. I swear she's always trying to start some competition."

"Mhm and then when she loses she's big mad. Freaking annoying, but you know what, her bragging isn't that important or helpful. Im gonna put my suitcase here", she set it next to mine.

"So your fam is staying here 1 or 2 weeks?", I asked.

"I'm staying 2 weeks with my dad, Felix is going home with mom after the first week. I am spending some time with my dad's side of the family but mostly over here. I love it here. How long are you staying", she smiled.

Kynedy CarterWhere stories live. Discover now