Chapter 10

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The following Day

After Great Sage crafted enough transportation. Y/n, dark elves, and Alicia, Prim, and the Knights and soldiers were ready

Y/n: Alright everyone listen up!

Y/n: Now you know that Volt and his Black Dogs has declared war of Eostia by conquering its people by turning the females into play things.

Y/n: He's planning to create a Sex Empire. We are going to stop him from doing that.

Y/n: His traget is Celestine Lucullus and Claudia Levantine. You might know them as the Seven Knight Princess.

Y/n: I managed to save Olga Discordia, Cloe, Alicia Arctours, and Prim Fiorire from falling into his hands. I ask you to take arms and follow me to battle.

They cheer for the Sage Savior.

Y/n: Then mount up and move out.

Everyone mount up on the transports.

Y/n along with his girls mount up on the jeep and lead the convey to Celestine and Claudia castle.


After a long drive they arrived at the Celestine and Claudia castle

As they approach the main gate they were greeted by her and along with some Knights

As they approach the main gate they were greeted by her and along with some Knights

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?: Who are you?

Alicia: Claudia, wait! They are with us!

Claudia: Alicia, Prim?

They approach her and hug her like old friends

Claudia: But why are with the dark elves and who is he?

Alicia: It's a long story. But he is here to help along with Olga and Cloe

Claudia: Very well. Lady Celestine is eager to hear this story

Y/n dismount

Y/n: Set up the defense!

Claudia escorted their visitors to Celestine while Alicia and Prim stay behind

Upon arriving at the catle, Y/n saw Celestine Lucullus

Upon arriving at the catle, Y/n saw Celestine Lucullus

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He was amazed by her beauty

Claudia: My Lady, I brought you these guest.

Celestine: Olga Discordia, it's been long time, old friend

Olga: I share the same feelings, too.

Celestine: And who is this?

Y/n: It's an honor to meet you Lady Celestine. My name is Y/n L/n you might known me as Sage Savior

Claudia: The Sage Savior? The man who possess the power to craft any weapons?

Y/n: That is indeed. And you need to listen on what I'm about say

He tells Celestine and Claudia about Volt and his Black Dogs plan.

Claudia: That's a disgrace thing to do! Only seeing woman as play things!

Y/n: Yes, it is. And his army is coming here as we speak.

Claudia: How can we be sure?

Y/n: A man name Beardsley, one of Alicia Arctours advisors turned on her to be part of Volt's plan. He told me this independent attack right after he died by my hands.

Y/n: and there's a possibility that Volt might have a spy here.

Celestine: Claudia.

Claudia: Yes, Lady Celestine.

Celestine: Have the people to take shelter till this threat is over.

Claudia: At once, my lady.

As she was leaving Y/n saw her up close

As she was leaving Y/n saw her up close

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Y/n: Claudia, be very careful. If Volt manipulate one of Alicia's close advisors. He might do the same.

Claudia: I'll be careful thanks for the tip

Y/n: Your welcome. I don't want a beautiful girl to get hurt and get captured.

Claudia blush slightly as she left.

Y/n: Lady Celestine, I must go to prep for battle.

Celestine: Very well. Once things die down we discuss this with others.

He nod and left

Once he returns to the main gate Alicia set up the defense.

They disguise the Halftracks with bushes and cover the foxes with trap that look like grass.

Y/n had an idea and asked Cloe, Kuro, and Sara to go with him to the field with shovels

They dug up holes and Y/n crafted some explosives and a plung for detonation

Once the explosives were in place they cover the holes and wait.

30 minutes later

Volt's army came to view from the tree line

Y/n: Hold your fire. Wait until they are close.

Every knight and soldiers were waiting for the signal

As they got closer Y/n grabs the plung.

Y/n: In 3....... 2....... 1......!

The explosive went off

Y/n: NOW!!!!

Everyone removes the tarps and open fires

The Halftrack reveal themselves and open fires

Volt's army went down one by one, some even flee like a coward.

When the last man flee the battle was won.

As Y/n gets up, a knight shout out to him.

Knight: Sage Savior, Claudia is in trouble in the town's square!

Y/n: Alicia, Cloe. You are in charge, hold position here.

They nod as a response

Y/n make his way to the town's square to help Claudia Levantine.

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