Chapter Eighteen

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I do not own the vampire diaries, I only own Andy. This does not follow the plot line. The winners to be in the story will be posted soon. Im so so so so so so sorry I haven't updated in forever I've been so busy and haven't had time to so here's a new chapter for you guys.

Its been about a week and we still haven't named the baby. Lana has grown a bit faster and learned more then a normal baby. She can walk now but can't talk much and sometimes has trouble walking. Damon gave me the idea of Lana, I agreeded just needed to ask Kai.

"So, Kai.." I trailed off as I plopped down on the couch next to him. He looked at me weridly before raising an eyebrow in questioning.

"Damon says we should name the baby Lana, I think we should too" I paused looking around "What do ya think?" I smiled sheepishly at him. He rolled his eyes but still held a smile on his face.

"I like it" He said. I clapped with a small giggle. Its perfect. I've been so happy and its all been too perfect. Its starting to scare me. Something bad is going to happen soon. Oh! I almost forget today's Jo and Alaric's wedding. I'm so excited.

"Lana Banana" I called, jogging up the stairs to her.

"You are not calling her that, Andy!" Kai groaned from the couch. I just giggled and walked into her room. I had me and Lana matching dresses, hers was smaller though, of course. I picked her up, sitting her on the ground. After changing her dipper, I put her dress on then put her hair in a pony tail with a bow in it. Putting on my dress, I curled my hair and wore silver heels. Lana wore silver flats. I picked her up and carried her down to Kai, excitedly.

"Look! Were matching!" I squealed and Lana giggled loudly. Kai turned and smiled at us.

"You both look beautiful" He said, kissing both our foreheads. I squeezed Lana's hand a bit tight but not enough to hurt her.

"Kai, I'm scared" I whispered, quietly.

"Why?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, I can understand why. I mean I'm scared to go to a wedding.

"Something bads going to happen, I can feel it" I whispered back, biting my lip. He cupped my cheeks and stared my right in the eyes.

"Nothing and I mean nothing, is going to hurt you or Lana, I promise" He pecked my lips and I managed to smile a bit but I couldn't get the feeling out of my stomach.


Kai and I sat up in the front row of Jo and Alaric's wedding, with Lana in my lap. I've never been to a wedding before, it was beautiful. The music started playing and everyone got quiet as Jo walked with her arm linked with her fathers, down the isle. Once she got up to Alaric, her father sat down and she stood across from Alaric. Everyone looked so happy. I started wondering what it would be like to have my own wedding, maybe with Kai. I mean we have a child together and were just dating. Its official, I'm in love with Malachai Parker, I want to marry him. I didn't know if Kai wanted that though, I can't propose to him. I mean I can but I won't. Alaric said his vows that made Jo start crying. Jo laughed and wiped the tears. She started to talk but then chocked, blood spread throughout her dress and dripped out of her mouth. Everyone stared wide eyed at the scene. Jo dropped to the floor and into Alaric's arms. I stood frozen when I saw who it was. My dad. How the hell is he still alive!? I gave Lana to Elena and told her to keep her somewhere safe.

"miss me, sweetheart?" He smirked and a sudden ringing noise erupted throughout the whole building. The building shook, making everything fall and everyone grab their heads.

"Stop this now!" I yelled, a growl slowly forming up my throat.

"I don't think so, I'm killing everyone, including the demon child of yours" He said, smirking. The growl I had held back, erupted throughout the building.

"You think you can kill me!" He screamed at me, chuckling.

"Darling, I have the one weapon that can kill you" he held up a dark blade, smirking as he saw my scared looked. Everyone was laying passed out or dead on the floor, some still struggling to stay alive. I charged at him and only clawed him a few times in the chest. He was bleeding and out of breath. Suddenly i found the strength and ripped his heart out. I let out a heavy breath then started chocking on blood. I looked down at my heart to see the blade covered with some kind of poison, stabbed into it. Blood dripped down from my lips and I heard faint footsteps. Kai.

"Andy!" He yelled just as I fell to the ground, my eyes kept wanting to close but I wouldn't let them. Kai slid down next to me and laid my head in his lap, crying.

"No, no, no, Andy, you'll live right?" His eyes wondered around my wound until he finally looked into my eyes.

"No-" I paused "He- there..was a posion in there" I paused again "a poison that kills me" I managed to finally get out. Everything was getting blury but I still reached up and cupped Kai's cheek.

"Its okay-its perfect, I love you" I paused again chocking "Malachai Parker" I smiled at him a little. It hurt so much.

"I will always love you, Kai" I stroked his cheeks and smiled again.

"This was-wasnt suppose to happen" He chocked out, rocking me a bit.

This is in nobody's POV now.

"This isn't goodbye, my first love, my only love, I love you, Malachai Parker" Andy chocked out, her heart stopped and she stared up at Kai. She wasn't breathing anymore, she was dead. Damon watched from afar with wide eyes. Everyone was dying tonight. Jo, Elena was in a sleeping spell, Liv, Andy. Kai shut Andy's eyes and leaned forward, kissing her forehead. A tear slid down Damon's cheek. Andy's hand slid off Kai's lap and fell to the floor. Kai couldn't believe what just happened. His tire and only love was dead. Andy was dead and he was alone.

This hurt me to write but don't worry this isn't the last of Andy I promise. I will update when I can.

Why me? //Kai ParkerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα