Shinso × Hypersomnia reader

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Tw: sleeping disorders, homelessness, character death. (Angst.)

You never got to spend much time with your insomniac boyfriend, as you spent so much time asleep. Constant fatigue makes it difficult to stay awake with him for long at all, usually only lasting five minutes before inevitably passing out.

Today was different, though. You've been working on fixing the sleeping disorder. You asked Hitoshi to go to his dorm for the night and just play games until you fell asleep. He agreed.

"Hey love, come inside." He said, nervous and on edge.

He sat you down at the edge of his matress and fiddled with his fingers, looking anywhere but at you.

"So," He started. "I was thinking. This um.. This isn't working out for us."

Your heart shattered.

"I know it's neither of our faults, it's just. We never see eachother. It feels like you aren't even trying to communicate with me anymore. I just- I just don't know what I can do to help you. I try to be awake when you are but you never come out of your room to see me unless it's for yourself. I can't keep going like this."

You wanted to cry or scream or do something dramatic but the only think you could say wad "Okay." You tried so hard to be there for him, to be awake and with him as often as possible. You really tried. Maybe it wasn't meant to be.

The next day wou didn't get out of bed at all. Even once you were awake you felt like you were stuck in a bad dream. You didn't bother to eat or move to go to the washroom or even drink water. You felt like he was the only one who understood your difficulties with sleep but now it felt dull.

When dinner rolled around, you were asleep still. And everyone knew you weren't up for anything. Everyone knew that you wanted to just skip time for a bit.

The next day wasn't much different either, the only difference being that you made an effort to go to the washroom. You slept and slept like there was no tommorow.

After weeks of not going to class, you were kicked out for skipping class, which you didn't mind. Maybe the support course spot you left open could be used by someone better. Many of your friends from UA dropped you out of their schedule because they thought you were just lazy and trying to taint their reputation.

You packed your bags and went joke. But even your parents wouldn't accept a UA drop out. Reluctantly, you moved to the streets.

It wasn't easy. You were always tired, so so tired. You slept in a homeless shelter for a month before they kicked you out for freeloading, as they expected at least some assis with chores and such. But you just never stopped sleeping.

After a while, you just gave up. You stood infront of ua with a quick letter before putting in in your ex boyfriends mailbox. It was simply asking for refuge in his parents house or helping you find somewhere to take you in. You waited and waited for him to read it or look for you or send a text to your now cracked and tattered phone. But nothing came.

Shinso was worried. Ever since you didn't come out of your room that day he knew it was his fault for making everything about your sleep disorder. Months passed and he started to hear rumors about you getting kicked out for being lazy, but he knew it wasn't true. One of your best friends-- Hatsume Mei--- had told him about you getting kicked out from your parents because you failed to finish highschool in UA. Soon enough, his eyebags became darker. He barely slept, and his hair was so messy and greasy it looked like he hadn't showered in weeks. And in all honesty- he hadn't.

The letter is what truly broke him. He had thought you would be fine by now but the contents just proved him so wrong.

"Dear Shinso,

I am in desperate need of shelter. I tried the homeless shelters but they won't accept me. My parents disowned me and I have no place to go. I'm currently staying at the park just outside of the police station. I wish you well, and I'm sorry for how I acted during our relationship. Please, stay safe.

-your least favorite ex"

It was short. And he felt like he couldn't just accept and bring you home.

He confronted his father, Aizawa Shota. He showed him the letter, thick tears rolling down his face rapidly. As a result, his father went to Nezu. Nezu was great help. Beginning to fundraise for a homeless shelter specifically for the physically and mentally disabled. It was a hit and within months the shelter was created.

He went to the park you said you'd be staying at with Mei in tow. He seen you sleeping on a dirty rag infront of the swing set and his stomach dropped.

Your hair was matted and he was absolutely filthy. Dirt and grass stain on your ripped UA uniform. Clutching your head and curled up in a ball defensively, shivering whenever a gust of wind would hit you. He attemted to nudge you awake, but you wouldn't open your eyes.he turned you over to see you had blue lips and your skin was drained of color.

Hypothermia had gotten to you before he could.

922 words

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