Books and Blue Eyes

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Sitting on a bench near the castle of Hogwarts with Sirius Black by her side wasn't how she had imagined her evening to evolve. Blair had been thinking about reading the book Remus had given her since the beginning of summer and maybe complete a few assignments the teachers had given out, even though it was still the first week back. She loathed some of them for this. How could anyone be so cruel to even think about making the students write an 1,000 word essay on a spell and then analyse everything about it? She had forgotten how adamant some of the professors at Hogwarts were.

She was almost halfway on her book and way too engrossed in how exhilarating it felt when the love interest finally confessed his feelings to even acknowledge the boy that had taken the empty seat beside her. Sirius had spotted her from a far, her long curly hair was standing out and then he recognised the frown she had on her face every time she was reading a book. Of course, Blair wasn't his first choice of someone to spend his free time with but seeing as none of his friends was anywhere to be found, he decided that sitting with her wouldn't be that bad.

"This book must be pretty good that you haven't even turned to look at my gorgeous face."

"Black! What is wrong with you!"

The girl held her book tightly on her chest as if it was the armour that was going to protect her from whoever had tried to scare her. She stared at the boy next to her fiercely wishing she could make him disappear if she looked long enough but she only received a smirk from him. Not an apology, not a pat on the shoulder, not even a sympathetic smile but a smirk. He did what he knew he was best at and that was being cocky, and to Blair's eyes an ass.

"I thought you would like some company."

"If that company is you then I'm all good on my own."

She turned her attention back to the open pages of her book but the presence beside her was still there. Blair tried her best to focus on the words written on the thin paper but the thought of Sirius only made them turn into incomprehensible sentences and she could only sigh in frustration.

"You can leave now."

"Come on Mont, I won't say a thing to you. It's just that I don't find the boys and-"

"And I was your last choice of company, I know."

"So...please let me stay with you?"

Her face turned to look at him and the smile that was ready to escape from her lips didn't go unnoticed by Sirius. The girl had never imagined that there would be a day when Sirius Black would beg in front of her and it kind of entertained her. She felt a bit satisfied with herself, maybe a bit proud too, as she stared at his puppy like eyes which were trying to lure her in. She might not have been very fond of the boy but at the same time she couldn't bring herself to bring him down.

"If you even dare make a noise or disturb me, I'm going to hex you."

"I promise I won't."

They sat in silence for a few minutes and for the first time they enjoyed each others company. Blair always resented how loud the boy was or how much chaos he caused just because he wanted to have fun. As she flipped the pages of her book she could see how his eyes would occasionally land on the paper and for some seconds would even stay there until he got destructed by some leaves falling from the tree beside them or by some students laughing loudly as they walked by. She smiled at his actions hoping he hadn't noticed or if he had, he wouldn't say anything about it.

The peaceful silence that surrounded them was interrupted by extremely loud voices anyone could recognise without even looking at the direction they came from. Three boys approached them and Blair felt the urge to walk away when she heard James' voice talking about Lily. He wasn't even close to her but her cheeks were already heating up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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